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Ironman/Tony Stark:

Tony had (Y/N) sitting in her high chair against a small work desk so he could keep an eye on her while he was fixing up one of his newest weapons. He grinned proudly at the finished product glancing down at his baby.

Tony laughed, in front of her was a small model (She/he) made out of lollipops "it's better then mine little Star" he muttered pecking the child's fuzzy head. (Y/N) cooed giggling at (his/her) father.

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve was polishing his shield (Y/N) sat next too him a small plastic replica on (his/her) lap. Tony had made the small shield as a joke, (Y/N) let ut a happy squeal gripping the shield tightly and throwing it across the room.

The plastic object bounced off the light switch on the wall, the hallway light turned off. The infant clapped, Steve rose his eyebrows in surprise, patting (Y/N) on the head "you're a natural! Maybe you'll be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent too one day" he grinned.

Steve then quickly scooped up the child squishing his cheeks against the baby's "but daddy won't let that happen until you're all grown up!".

The Hulk/Bruce Banner:

Bruce smiled, (Y/N)'s small hand was wrapped around his index finger. (His/her) grip was tight but not enough to hurt the Professor. (Y/N) wrapped his other hand around his finger, still not enough to cover his digit completely.

His other hand gently stroked at (his/her) hair, or....what hair (she/he) had. Bruce knew this child was his anchor, the only thing stopping him from giving up, and losing himself completely.

It's all for (Y/N).

Black Widow/Natasha Romanova:

(Y/N)'s hair was growing surprisingly fast, it now reached around mid neck, much like Natasha's hair, but more fine and there's less of it. The assassin gently brushed through the infants hair with a happy hum.

(Y/N) reached up gripping onto (his/her) mother's hair, a habit that the baby had grown. Natasha chuckled "your hair isn't quite like mine just yet sweetie" she chuckled.

The red head pecked the side of her baby's head before once again combing through the fluffy locks.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton:

Clint had just tied a new string onto his bow, he was testing it's flexibility. He heard the slapping sound of his child, (Y/N), playing with a plastic arrow, a suction cup instead of a blade at the tip.

The dirty blonde haired man blinked in shock as (Y/N), threw the arrow at his head. The bright orange suction cup sticking to the side of his head, he poked his tongue and and closed his eyes. Playfully acting dead, (Y/N) laughed and clapped.

After a few minutes of him not moving (Y/N) began to panic. (His/her) bottom lip trembled and she let out a loud wail, Clint shot up removing the arrow with a 'pop' and rushing over to his baby, hushing the crying child "sorry" he said with an amused sigh.

Thor Odinson:

Thor was drinking as usual, of course not heavily like he used to as he still had a child to take care of. The slightly woozey (I wouldn't say he was drunk) man laughed loudly at the characters on the strange magic box.

He was on Earth visiting the Jane human, and this magic box was of course, the T.V. "Bwahahaha!" he cackled loudly as the clown on the T.V got pied in the face. The small child next to him cocked (his/her) head to the side in confusion.

As the baby's father laughed once again the child decided to imitate "gwaheheheheh!" Thor, and Jane stopped what they were doing and flipped off the T.V. The burly Good lifted up his child "that was so adorable, my prince is going to be just like daddy!" Jane sighed "I hope not...".

Loki Laufeyson:

Loki was practising his magic, focusing on ice for now. He formed an icicle, so sharp looking at it could've cut you. (Y/N) watched in wonder, holding (his/her) hands out, the baby wiggled it's fingers.

A white mist formed and then a medium sized snowflake began to form (Y/N) squealed happily, clapping (his/her) hands. Loki glanced over, eyebrow raised in amusement, he chuckled at the sight of the slightly weak looking snowflake.

The God pecked the top of his child's head "one day, you'll be able to do so much more little heir".

Deadpool/Wade Winston Wilson:


We all know Deadpool is kind of a slob, his apartment is a mess, he has quite the...interesting attitude. Not to mention his need for a constant female companion, if you know what I mean. So him having a burping competition with his baby shouldn't surprise you.

Deadpool had just finished downing a pizza, (Y/N) just finished chugging a bottle of milk. The masked vigilante put a hand on his stomach before opening his mouth and letting out a rumbling noise, I assume you can guess what that noise was.

(Y/N) flinched at the noise, then stared at (his/her) father in wonder. The baby sucked in a breath and held it until "uh" the smallest most adorable little puff of air came from the infants mouth. Deadpool squealed "you are so cute~! But daddy is going to teach you how to do it professionally, repeat after me!"

And so it continued.

Spiderman/Peter Parker:

(Y/N) stared at (his/her) dad a confused look on the infants face. The baby's dad was currently fixing up his web shooter after the baby had chewed on it. On the little one's lap was a plastic bob the builder tool set.

When Peter picked up his screwdriver, so did (Y/N). Eventually Peter was finished, he looked over at (Y/N) too see the Bob the builder play set had been built. He chuckled ruffling the little amount of hair (Y/N) had "good job!".

Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff:

Wanda had been cleaning out the attic all day and had quite a bit of dust up her nose. (Y/N) was balanced on the girl's knee, Wanda turned her head away letting out a loud sneeze.

(Y/N) giggled before (he/she) pulled their face back, making a rather funny expression and then "akee" a small sneeze. Wanda blinked in surprise looking down at the child. Then the brunette laughed pulling the baby close "so cute~"

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