New Character: Peter Quill

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You meet:

It wasn't uncommon for Peter to sleep around, he was quite the player. Of course the last thing he expected was to see his one night stand from a year ago standing on his doorstep with an unhappy expression and a child in her arms.

His mouth was agape as she roughly jutted the child out for him to take, he took the infant shakily "thankssss for nothing jerk-- take it, it'sss hideoussss anywaysss" the lizard like female hissed, before turning on her heel, tail whipping in anger as she strutted away. He looked down at the baby, staring up at their father the child giggled.

He groaned and backed up in the house, slamming the door closed.

They give you a name:

Peter stared down at the child, who in turn stared up at him. They had been in this position for almost half an hour, neither of them were budging. "All right baby, since we're stuck together I might as well give you a name".

He placed his index finger and thumb on his chin and hummed, staring up at the ceiling in a thinking manner. "How about-- Bob Marley!" he glanced down at the baby and winced "maybe not um...". He ran a hand through his short hair "uh-- Jo-- Han-- Re-- Uh..(Y/N)?". He stared at the baby hard, before grinning "(Y/N) it is!".

"Well kid, welcome to the family!"


Of course Peter wasn't used to having someone to fragile aboard his ship, neither were the others. Many times they had been close to hurting the infant, he winced hurrying to pick up his child and hold (Him/her) close to his chest as Groot stomped his foot down where the baby had once been sitting.

Of course it wasn't on purpose the big guy just doesn't look where he's going. He let out a breath of relief knowing the child was safe in his arms, he glanced down at the grinning baby "you sure are a trouble make ain't cha?" he chuckled.

He gently rubbed the infant's head "that's my (girl/boy)".

Nappy Changing:

Peter stared in horror at the scene before him, nappy, powder, oil, bin, wipes, and the baby. It was all he needed right? "THEN WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!" he yelled in frustration, he had thrown away the dirty nappy and cleaned up his child with the wipe that was the easy part.

The not so easy part was the rest of it, he picked up at the powder and oil, looking between the two "which goes first?" he muttered to himself. "Screw it" he sprinkled the powder down alongside the oil and began rubbing them in simultaneously. Now the even harder part, figuring out how to put the nappy back on.

He pursed his lips, he had slid the new nappy under the child's bottom but he couldn't figure out quite how to do it up. "Gah! Forget this!" he stormed over to the cupboards bringing out the roll of familiar grey sticky substance.

"Duct tape! Words miracles" He held down the nappy and began wrapping the tape around the top holding it to the child's hips. Peter grinned, lifting his child up "perfect".

Cheer up:

Peter had screwed up, his whole team stormed out on him. It was certainly having an effect on the male, he sat at his chair. Glaring out the window, strapped in the passengers side of the ship was his child.

(Y/N) cooed, reaching out for (his/her) father "not now (Y/N)" he stood to walk out when he heard the infant whimper. He sighed and turned around, (Y/N)'s arms were stretched out, bottom lip quivering and eyes building up with tears.

He jogged over, and picked up his child "Sorry, I'm sorry" he whispered as the child buried their face in his shoulder with a hiccup. His hand slowly rubbed up and down (his/her) back soothingly and he bit his lip tilting his head back. "At least someone still wants me".


The whole crew were running around trying to put all the weapons away as (Y/N) was putting anything in her mouth. The child giggled as she picked up the laser gun, she munched on the metal fingers playing with the trigger, she squeezed her hands tightly.

The gun went off

Rocket let out a shriek as he jumped up onto Groot's arm, the spot where he had just been standing now stained black from the laser. "Peter! Get your kid!" the raccoon yelled, pointing at the baby. He ran over pulling the gun from (Y/N)'s mouth and sliding it across the floor towards the others. Peter picked the child up, holding the infant close.

"Atta (girl/boy)" he whispered.


Gamora glanced between the two "you two are so different" she snorted, Peter rose a brow "how so?" he crossed his arms defensively. "Well (she/he)'s all cute and you're just--" she cleared her throat "anyways, (Y/N)'s innocent and you're all".

Peter gave off a dramatic pout, the green coloured female rolled her eyes at his antics "(Y/N)'s great company, you're annoying". "Whaaaat? What is that supposed to mean?" He stood, placing his hands on his hips "exactly what it sounds like" she retorted.

The two went back and forth, (Y/N) giggled the two were more alike than they realized.


Rocket had been trying to teach the child how to crawl as the two were much closer in size than the infant and (his/her) father. So far to no avail. Rocket ran a small hand through his fur "geez (Y/N), this is pretty difficult but uncle Rocket believes in you so come on".

Peter smiled from his seat in the Captains chair as he watched the two, he sat up in intrigue as he watched the child fall forward onto (his/her) hands. (Y/N) clumsily began to shuffle forward, Peter clapped loudly as did Rocket.

The child stunned from the noise began leaning towards the side, seconds away from falling. Peter jumped up and swooping the infant into his arms "daddy's so proud you!".


(Y/N) pouted as she watched Gamora and Peter argue flirtily, that was (his/her) father being taken away. The infant's bottom lip began to tremble and eyes began to build up with tears. (His/her) mouth dropped as she let out a loud wail.

(Y/N) had Peter's attention immediately, the captain ran over and picked the child up, rocking the baby gently. The babe stared over their father's shoulder at Gamora who sighed, crossed her arms and shook her head.

The infant let out a giggle, yup, this was (His/her) father and (his/her)'s alone.


Of course (Y/N) excelled at many things, crawling, muscle control, etc. And of course that was something that Peter was always happy about, bragging about his kin. But there was something that the child could do that no one was aware of.

Peter had taken (Y/N) was a child friendly pub and was currently bragging away to some women who were obviously interested. Who doesn't like a man with a kid? (Y/N) watched in annoyance as the women batted their eyelashes, they were clearly not listening to a word he said, only his voice.

The infant let out a sudden hiss, forked tongue poking out of soft lips, (E/C) morphing to yellow, her once wide pupils shrinking to thin slits. The women shrieked, rushing to stand and back away from the two. Peter picked up his child and grinned "you never cease to amaze me, baby".

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