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These are kind of short, sorry I ran out of ideas

Ironman/Tony Stark:

Tony currently had all of the Avengers and some of the press in his house. Why you ask? Well because just previously had had caught a glimpse of his little (boy/girl) crawling, and he thought everyone should see it for themselves.

(Y/N) sat on the floor staring at the large people in confusion, Tony knelt down "come on, show these people that you're just as improved as your daddy is!" he encouraged. (Y/N) leaned forward resting (his/her) hands on the floor as well as his knees, in a crawling position.

Tony clapped and open his arms, hesitantly the baby put one hand forward, and then a leg. Until the baby was crawling straight into Stark's arms. Needless to say (Y/N) made front page news.

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve had just gotten back from visiting Peggy with his baby. He set the small child down on (his/her) play mat. Steve peeled off his leather jacket, blinking in surprise when he heard a slapping on the ground.

The blonde man turned around and looked down, there on all fours slowly and clumsily making their way towards him was his baby. Steve gasped dropping down and picking (Y/N) up giving the baby a proud hug, (he/she) let out a coo in confusion.

The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner:

Bruce was in his lab working on an experiment, he had forgotten that he gave his co-workers the day off. "Can you hand me the screwdriver?" he asked holding out his hand keeping his eyes on his experiment.

He felt something drop into his hand "thank you" he was about to use the tool when he looked down and saw it was none other then a pacifier. Bruce looked over in surprise, (Y/N) was crawling away from him, content.

Black Widow/Natasha Romanova:

Natasha was currently sitting in front of her full body mirror curling her hair. (Y/N) sat beside her playing with her teething ring, the red head was careful to make sure that (Y/N) didn't touch the curler in case (she/he) got burnt.

Keeping a close on her her hair, Natasha felt something crawl into her lap. Looking down she saw (Y/N) trying to get her lower half off the ground and into (his/her) mother's lap. Natasha smiled, put the curling iron down away from the baby (and where it wouldn't cause a fire).

She helped the child into her lap, holding the baby close. Picking up her phone she wound one arm around the babies stomach, her chin resting on the baby's head. Natasha snapped the photo, let's just say the her social media nearly broke from all the likes she received.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton:

Clint was currently stringing his bow, the string had snapped quite surprisingly during battle. It was a good thing he always packed 5 backups, he sighed in frustration and the string slipped from his grip.

Clint threw down the bow and rubbed his forehead taking deep breaths. (Y/N) seeing (his/her) dad's distress managed to climb onto all fours and crawl towards their father. Clint glanced up seeing a determined child make their way over clumsily.

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