I could still hear Roberto and Helena downstairs chatting about something so it wasn't like I would have to wake them up.

Sandrelly. Are you okay?

Jay...I tipped over. Someone hit me. I'm upside down and my leg is trapped. I found him. I found Sammy.

I'm on my way, Sandrelly. Give me five minutes. Send me your address.

Kingston Road.

I ran down the stairs and into the living room as her parent's stared at me.

"Jay, what's wrong?" The asked.

"Do you know how to get to Kingston Road? Sandrelly called me."

"Yes. Hop in the jeep. We'll be right out."

I was sat in the passenger seat as Roberto quickly drove to Kingston Road. There was a few people's cars pulled over and they were all huddled around this one vehicle.

I got out of the car before it had stopped and ran over.

"Police. Please move." I said and flashed my badge.

"Jay! Is that you?"

"Hey, I'm here." I said and held her hand.

"I can feel my leg but it's trapped. I can't get out and my car is leaking."

"It's okay. I'll get you out." I said and ran over to her jeep.

I grabbed the slamigan that was in her jeep for some reason and ran back over. I shoved it in the small gap and pulled it upwards.

"Guys! Grab her and pull her out!" I shouted towards the people.

They gently pulled her out and some guy carried her about a metre away from the car as everyone else tried to get emergency services down here.

I looked down at San with tears in my eyes before I came to my senses and blocked Sandrelly. The car blew up as everyone hit the floor and covered their eyes.

I saw Hank's car pull up and he immediately ran over.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I found Sammy. I know the vehicle he is in. I'm okay and I'm not hurt." Said Sandrelly.

"We still want to get you checked out." Said a paramedic as they walked over.

While they were dealing with Sandrelly, Helena walked over and slapped Hank round the face. Roberto moved her away from him as she started shouting.

"My baby wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't brought her back to Brazil! This is your fault!"

"Ma, stop. It's no one's fault but mine. I was told to leave it till tomorrow but I kept on digging. I just wanted proof and I've got it." She said and showed us her phone.

"Is that-?"

"Yep. Peter's car. He hit me."

"We'll regroup in the morning. You need rest." Said Hank.

"I'm fine."

"Fine my ass. Jay, take her home."

"Yes, Sarge." I said and carried Sandrelly to the car.

"You can put me down. I can walk."

"Get in the passenger seat. You are not driving."

"Why not?"

"Because you are shaking."

"Hank, please. Tell everyone to meet up. We need to find Sammy." Begged San before she got in her jeep.

"No. You need rest."

"If Adam or Kim or Kevin was missing, you would stay up all night to find them! That is what I'm doing for Sammy. So sort out your issue with being up at one o'clock and call the team. We have to find him!" Shouted San as she got up in his face and refused to move.

"Fine. I'll call them. Drop your parents off and then meet me at the District."

"Too risky." Said San.

"Fine. We'll hire out a hall."

"Ma, can we use the house?" Asked San.

"Of course. We'll set up shop." Said Helena and smiled towards Hank.

"I'll call them. Meet you there."

Sandrelly and I set up a board with a picture of the numberplate that was on Peter's car and then the picture of the van in the background.

"Okay, so Peter likes to drink at these places." Said San as she put a pictures.

"He wouldn't hang out at a bar. We need a warrant to get into his bank account to see if he's hired some place out." Suggested Antonio.

"A warrant? Good luck with that. He has the police in his pocket."

"Fine. What do you suggest we do?" Huffed Hank.

"There's a bank that is open twenty four hours. I'll sneak in and get it."

"Ah right. Robbing a bank. Are you mad?" Asked Adam.

"I wasn't going to rob it. I was going to convince them to let me see his account."

"Good luck with that." Said Kim.

"Trust me. I can get in."

"Is it legal?"

"To a certain extent."

"Fine. Take Jay."

We headed out and left the others to discuss. Before we got in the car, I pulled San in by her waist and lifted her chin. I kissed her and she froze before she kissed back.

"What was that for?" She asked as she rested her forehead on mine.

"I was so worried. Please don't ever leave me. Tell me where you're going because I want to go too. I love you."

"I'm sorry to have worried you, Jay. I love you." She said and kissed my cheek before stealing the keys to the jeep.

"I want to drive." I whined.

"My turn."

"You crashed the other one."

"Ha, no. Peter hit me."


"No buts. You drove my baby earlier I drive it now."

"Fine. I won't argue." I said and got in the passenger seat.


A/N: I am still revising, obviously but I wanted to update you guys. I also had a bit of writer's block. This series is coming to an end but trust me, it will be dramatic. Here you go :)

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