26. Important to someone

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Iiris' PoV

I had never seen Blind Channel live, mostly because Rauli never let me go to any concerts. Today was different and I could finally see them and enjoy their performance. The guys had left some time ago and I was getting ready in my room. I had bought some new clothes I decided to wear tonight so I could really enjoy the night without anything on me from the past. This was going to be the first day of the rest of my life, like Aleksi said, and I was more than ready for it. Tonight I was going to finally enjoy life.

Despite the fact that I wanted to finally be myself again, there was still something that kept on bugging me and it was the fact that I was going to hang around the guys in VIP, where all the fans could see me and the anxiety slowly started to crawl up my spine. Maybe this was not a good idea after all? I did not want to be noticed and definitely not be mistaken for Aleksi's girlfriend. These thoughts were stuck in my head and I had trouble letting them go even though I knew the truth - we were just friends, hanging out together.

Half an hour later, Miryam knocked on my door as a sign that it was time to go. I took my jacket and bag and I was ready to go.

"You look nervous..." Miryam noticed that I was trying to hide my anxiety. Sighing I put the jacket on and tried to figure out what to say.

"I know I should not be... " But I did not know the other way. My life had already taken an unexpected turn the moment I agreed to leave my own home and move to Aleksi's. Now I was here in Oulu with all of them, with all of the girlfriends, and ready to be mistaken for one as well. Of course I was nervous because of that.

"At least you don't have to tell anyone you're pregnant... I'm gonna do it tonight.. I was going to wait until tomorrow but it is getting so hard to keep quiet about it..." Miryam had all the rights to be nervous and she managed to calm me down a little.

"I'm sure he is going to love the news.. I'm so happy for you." I smiled at her and followed Yasmin, Pauline and Robyn into the taxi.

The ride to the venue did not take long but since the weather had taken a turn into not so nice then we decided to take the taxi. Once we got to the place where the concert was going to take place, Robyn paid for the driver and we got out, after which we sneaked to the backdoor just to avoid the fans. The temperature inside was the total opposite of what it was outside. Immediately I took off my jacket, revealing my new outfit which was just another band shirt and black, ripped skinny jeans. I know I already own too many band shirt but I just loved them.

"Hello and welcome ladies, make yourself feel like home.. If you can.. Guys are already going crazy over there.." Santeri quickly greeted us before going into the next room where he just pointed the guys to be.

"Well, hometown show after all.." Robyn smirked and followed Santeri like the amount of laughing and some unidentified noises were a totally normal thing. Yasmin, Pauline and Miryam followed her leaving me no other option than to go after them. What I saw in that room was something I was so not ready for. Joel and Joonas were standing on a table, holding beer glasses in their hands and Olli and Niko were throwing ping pong balls into them, or trying at least. Tommi was sitting quietly on the sofa, shaking his head and Aleksi was filming the action that was going on.

"Don't worry, this is a totally normal type of behavior among these guys." Pauline patted me on my shoulder, laughing, when she noticed how confused I was because of the action.

"Okay..." I frowned a little but I'd lie if this was not at least a little amusing.

"Oh, hey!" Aleksi now also noticed me and put his phone away. He knew I did not want to get on any picture, story or whatever they were filming.

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