6. About last night

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Aleksi's PoV

I could not sleep. My thoughts wandered back to what happened at the bar with Iiris, over and over again, and I kept on tossing from one side to another. Who was that guy? His brother? Boyfriend? And why was he so mad at her? Did she forget something important while talking with me? Either way, what the man did to her was not okay and I did not want to leave it like that. I left a note to her coworkers, asked them to pass it on to her and I really hope they do. This probably was my only chance to even intervene. Maybe that was the last time I ever saw her....?

"Fuck..." I sat up, reached for my phone and went to Facebook. I definitely was not the type of guy who would snoop around to find some information about the people I didn't even know that well. I went to the bar's Facebook page and scrolled through it like a maniac, trying to find even one picture where she would be tagged on, or maybe she had commented something. Anything, that would give me her full name and more information but nothing. Like she was nonexistent. A ghost. Just a creation of my own mind and not even a real person. But she was real. The emotions in her eyes when that man came. The smile she gave me when I bumped into her.. All of those were real.

The next morning my mood was not better. I found myself constantly thinking if Iiris was ok. I even thought that I should go check on her later today but at the same time I was pushing my own breaks. As much as I wanted to know if she was fine, I did not want to scare her away. If she was in a difficult relationship, then me hanging around her would cause more trouble to her. Or if that was just a one time occasion because of whatever reasons, then I should not even stick my nose into her life. At least now I had some other woman stuck in my mind who was not Robyn. I just was not entirely sure should Iiris occupy that much of my brain right now when I really did not even know her. Then again, this could be a serious matter and I should definitely keep an eye on her, from far away. If she ever feels like she wants to talk, she hopefully gets my contact from her coworkers. But will she have the courage?

It was not a surprise that I was the first one at the studio. I started to set things up, scrolled through my email and listened to some new demos while waiting for the rest of the guys. Unconsciously, I kept on checking my phone every now and then to see if Iiris had texted or called. Maybe I was too optimistic about her contacting me?

"How stupid am I... " I whispered and threw the device on the table. She won't call, I know. If she is in trouble that is the last thing she dares to do. And maybe it was not even that serious? What if I was grilling my brian for nothing? Not knowing what the situation really was made me nervous but I have done the best I could do in that moment. The ball was now in her hands whether she wanted to talk or not.

For my luck, the door of the studio opened, which interrupted my overthinking brain. Robyn stepped in, Sophia in her lap, followed by Miryam and Niko. Robyn placed the little one back into the safety cardle that Niko carried in, and looked at me.

"Hey, you're early." She smiled at me and then turned back to Sophia. She was such a great mother, caring and loving. The way she spoke with Sophia was so beautiful. If you looked at that woman, you could think that she was some hardcore rock chick with purple hair, perfect make up which she didn't even need because she was naturally so beutiful. She could outdrink every guy in the band and still babysit them the next day. She was smart, funny and a little weird at times, but that all made her who she was - the perfect mom to her kids. And for all of us.

"Yeah.. Got stuff to do here.. Where did you forget Joel?" It was weird to see her here without himl.

"He is coming... He forgot his phone home so he went to get it... " Ro said and walked to the fridge to get some mineral water. Miryam and Niko followed our short conversation, whispered something to each other after which Miryam nodded and Niko walked to me.

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