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They exited the dining room in a single file line, first Michelle, then Kevin, followed by Mason, Stogie and Hollywood taking up the rear.

They left Abby slumped in her wheelchair in the dining room. Kevin held out hope that maybe she'd come to, find a phone, and get through to the police. But he knew that was unlikely. Aside from her shallow breathing and a few random moans, she showed no signs of gaining consciousness anytime soon.

"Don't try anything," Mason said. "Or I'll put a bullet in each of you in places that will ensure you die slowly."

To show his intention not to offer trouble, Kevin keep his hands up. Michelle kept hers close to her chest, still clutching the attaché case.

Michelle led the way down the winding and twisting hallway that led to the back of the complex, no doubt channeling the memory of being led here by Burns just yesterday. Soon they reached it, the large, solid door with the top to bottom deadbolts.

Mason ordered her to step aside and tucked the gun into his waistline. Next, he took the keys and tried them in the lock, one by one, looking for the right fit.

Kevin thought about rushing him and trying to get the gun, but that thought died quickly. Stogie was pretty much right on his ass and would most likely grab him with his meaty hands the second Kevin's first muscle twitched. Besides, he didn't know much about guns and was pretty sure he had just as much chance of taking his own foot off as he did at stopping this motely trio from their sinister capering.

Mason got the lock undone a second later.

Taking the gun in hand once again, he opened the door and ordered everyone inside.

Taking the gun in hand once again, he opened the door and ordered everyone inside

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