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Kevin and Michelle didn't wait for an escort and instead walked back to their rooms on their own, leaving Hannah behind to deal with Teague.

Kevin was still reeling from the exchange he had just witnessed between the big sister and the big shot.

"Man, I can't believe you pulled that off," Kevin said. "Did you see the look on Teague's face? You totally blew his mind, sis!"

Michelle seemed to relax now, a minuscule smile even daring to creep across her face. Kevin was glad to see that the tension had eased off of her a bit. Ever since he'd gotten her call, it seemed as if she'd been wound up tight. Now he understood why. Teague was the type that was used to auditioning people, to stand them up before him and scrutinize their talents and skills, deciding whether or not they suited his needs. Michelle knew quite well what she was walking into, a neat little audition of her own with the fate of Hildebrand's lost film hanging in the balance.

"By the way," Kevin said. "Did you mean what you said to him back there, about film being destined to disappear?"


"Yet you spend your life trying to prevent it."

"True. But I was betting on the hope that a man like Teague would be willing to see through the BS and accept the reality of the situation. You could have a hundred archivists come in here and each and every one of them will kiss his butt and tell him all about how they would fix it so that his film would survive for generations to come. But the truth is that the fight we make to save a piece of work like that is really just a delaying action. Those who realize this will fight even harder than those who don't, at least that's what I was hoping Teague would believe. Guess it worked."

"Worked? Man, you had him eating right out of your hand. I'm going to have to have you show me how to do that. It might come in handy when I'm dealing with some of those knuckleheads that come into the club."

"Kevin, wait up!"

They both turned to see Abby running to catch up with them. "Joe told me you were visiting with Mr. Teague," she said when she reached them. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were with him or I would have walked back with you."

"It's okay," Michelle said. "This place is big but I think we can handle finding our way back just fine."

"But thank you," Kevin interjected. "It's good to know you're looking out for us."

Standing before them now, Abby seemed unscathed by their earlier conversation. Gone was any pretense of self-pity or dredged-up feelings. She was all smiles now, which made Kevin feel better about the whole thing.

"I thought you both would want to know that we're fixing to eat dinner now."

"Great. I'm starving. Tell me, will there be any spirited beverages available at this fine dinner? My big sister here just sealed a deal with Mr. Teague to acquire the Hildebrand film. I'd say that's cause to celebrate."

Abby nodded, impressed. "Wonderful. I'm sure we could get Caroline to scare something up."

"Excellent! You may lead the way, my fine lady."

Abby took his arm playfully and led them down the hall while Michelle followed in tow, shaking her head.

At the other end of the hallway, Hannah stepped out of Teague's room and watched as the group proceeded to the dining hall, her eyes sinking as her mind got to work, thinking, planning.

At the other end of the hallway, Hannah stepped out of Teague's room and watched as the group proceeded to the dining hall, her eyes sinking as her mind got to work, thinking, planning

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