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Abby found Kevin and Michelle wandering through the halls after the nurse Hannah had wheeled Teague away. They looked like Hansel and Gretel in search of breadcrumbs that had long been gobbled up by the creatures of the forest.

"There you two are," Abby said. "I ran into Hannah and she said that you might need some help finding your way around."

"Yeah, sweet girl, that one," Kevin said, powerless to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

"I'm sorry about her. She hasn't been here very long and I'm afraid that she hasn't quite figured out how to fit in just yet."

"It's okay."

Abby's smile bore the remnants of a youth spent driving many a man wild. "We'll be having dinner soon. In the meantime would you like to join me on a tour of the grounds?"

"Actually," Michelle said, "It's been a long trip. I'd like a chance to rest up for a while if that's okay."

"Sure. I'll show you to your room."

"I wouldn't mind a tour of the grounds," Kevin said.

"Great. Follow me."

Abby led them to the first floor of the western wing where a row of spare bedrooms awaited.

"These were the guest quarters when the manor was originally built. We don't get too many guests these days but you should find them comfortable. You can use this room," she said to Michelle. "You can have the one next door," she then said to Kevin.

"Thank you," Michelle said.

"What about that tour?" Kevin asked.

"I'm game if you are."

Kevin batted his baby brown eyes and offered Abby his arm, which she took without a hint of hesitation. "Lead the way, my good lady."

Michelle rolled her eyes and stepped into her room, clearly annoyed with her brother's constant attempts at charm and charisma that always seemed to land.

Abby led Kevin down the hall and out the nearest exit. They found themselves being greeted by a sky of quickly thickening clouds. Kevin never bothered to check the weather report before they left, but by the look of that sky he wouldn't be surprised if rain was in their immediate future. They strolled along the outer west wing, Kevin all the while noting the various plants and shrubberies they passed along the way.

"Who maintains all this?" Kevin asked. "Is it that Burns guy?"

"Joseph? No. We have a landscape service that comes in every couple of weeks."

"That must cost a pretty penny."

"Mr. Teague likes to keep the place looking nice."

"How many people work here?"

Abby thought for a moment. "Let's see. There's myself, Joe Burns, that young guy Toby, Hannah, and Caroline. She's our cook. You'll meet her later."

"And you all live here year-round?"

"Sure do."

"Doesn't it get old? You know, being stuck way out here all the time?"

"Not really. I like being stuck out here. It's quiet. Pleasant."

"Bet you don't get out much though."

Abby didn't say anything for a moment, and her brief suspension led Kevin to think that maybe he'd just made one of his textbook forays into the too-personal-to-talk-about dimension. But the moment soon passed, and Abby continued as if no breach of privacy had been made.

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