Chapter 37

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*Jamie's POV*

I heard Yn and the others came back a while ago but I haven't seen her yet. I'm done with my rounds and changed out of my armor as I'm walking I get stopped by a concerned Catherine. "Sir Jamie you have to come with me now." She takes off and I followed suit then realize where we were going.

"Catherine what is going on? Is Yn okay?" She keeps walking. "She was fine earlier, and she went to see the healer and when she came out she looked so lost." We stop at her door and Catherine pushes it open. "She's been like that all evening. She's so lost in thought I only thought to find you." I nodded and walked in. She shut the door behind me leaving me and Yn alone in her chambers. I noticed wrapped dresses hanging in her wardrobe, a stack of wrapped boxes on her vanity. Then I saw it.

On the table beside her was a sweets box a thing of tea and ginger. I kneeled in front of Yn placing a hand on her cheek making her look at me. "My love talk to me. What is troubling you?" Tears fell from her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think it'd happen so soon and I've done so much that I'm scared." She buries her face in her knees crying. "I'm confused love what are you talking about?"

"I'm expecting." I look at her confused. "Your expecting what?" She looks me in the eyes trying to look for something that only she knows. "I'm carrying our child." I swear my heart just stopped I didn't move or say anything. She stood up quickly and took off to the door. I stopped her by pushing her back against the door. "Say it again." I demanded lowly.

She starts to shake but says clearly. "I'm pregnant with our child." I look at her then slowly smile I picked her up spinning her around. I set her down and drop to my knees placing my hands on her stomach. "Hey little one. I can't wait for you to meet your family." I look up to see her smiling down at me. I stand up cupping her face kissing her softly. "I am beyond excited for this." She smiles softly. "You aren't mad?" I pull her closer confused. "Why would I be mad? Because we aren't wed, which will take place in less than week." She just nods.

"I could never be mad at you. I love you and I want this with you." She looks at me. "Prove it." She says biting her lip. "Prove you love me and want me. Want this." She says lowly moving closer to me. I kissed her softly at first. We undressed each other and I carried her to the bed laying her down gently. I placed kisses on her scars and her stomach noticing a small bump.

I took my time loving everything about this woman. She has given me love and hope I've never had before. I have children with Cersei but I can't be their father. But the ones we have together everyone will know are mine. Tonight was about just easing her worries and proving that she's the woman I love unconditionally.

I clean us up and lay beside her our fingers intertwined resting on her bump. "What do you wish to have?" She asks softly. I smile kissing her shoulder. "It doesn't matter to me. As long as they are born healthy. And look as stunning as their mother." She giggled and scoots closer to me I hold her tight. "So what's in the sweets box?" I ask. "Oh yeah." She says jumping out of bed walking over to the sweets box. I just watch her walk naked admiring her body. She maybe covered with scars but they all tell a story and now her body will tell the story of her carrying our child.

She walks back and sits on the bed with the sheets pulled over her. I sit up beside her. "Me and Cersei passed this delicious bakery on our way back and tasted some of the cakes and we dicided that these two are what we should have at the weddings." She opens the box and breaks a piece of and feeds it to me. "Wow that's really good." She feeds me a piece of the other one. "You and Cersei picked well my love." She took a bite of one and the icing fell on her chest.

"Shit." She mumbles. I grab her hand stopping her from getting it. "Jamie wh..." I slowly licked the icing off her chest. She lets out a soft moan. I just chuckled and laid back. "That is mean Jamie Lannister." She says with fake anger.

We laid in bed talking about our life together. We laughed and she cried worried about history repeating itself. I did what I could to ease her worries. We eventually fell asleep holding each other.

Lost Viking QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora