Chapter 33

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*Yn PoV*

I woke feeling completely relaxed. I got dressed for training. I ran out my chambers braiding my hair. I fix my hair pins I got from Floki years ago. I didn't even notice the stares and whispers I was receiving on my way out.

I greet Loki with a hug. He doesn't respond at first just stared at me. "Okay why are you staring? Do I have something on my face?" Loki doesn't answer he just uses his magic and a mirror appears. He hands it to me not saying a word.

"Ahh!!!! What the hell happened to me?!" Thor and Freya run to us, Freya stops and a smile appears on her face. "By Odin's beard, the legend is true. Shes her daughter." I look at Thor. "Who is who's daughter?!" Freya grabbed my hand smiling. "My dear you are the daughter of a goddess that died a long time ago. She fell in love with a human, and gave her immortal life for him and her unborn daughter."

"Why am I finding out now and what has happened to me?" I beg for answers.  "Loki it's time for training she only has a few days to learn." Loki nods his head.

Candles appear around us. "Light them." It takes me hours but I lit them. "Okay now throw Thor across the room." It took me a day to even get Thor a foot off the ground. "Fine let's see how you'd be able to protect the children." Loki starts to walk off.

"Brother I don't think you should." Thor says. Loki looks at him. "She can barely block your attacks on her what makes you think she can protect the children she claims to love." With that I threw Loki against the wall pinning him there. "You threaten them again and you'd wish to be dead. Got it?!"

He nods and I drop him. The fight is tomorrow and I just wrapped up training. There was a knock. I answered to see Loki, I stepped aside letting him in. "I came to give you a gift." He hands me a chest. I set it on the table and open it. My eyes widen and look at Loki. "Are these...." He cuts me off. "They are dragon eggs."

I look at him in disbelief. "How they were all destroyed." He shakes his head. "Actually six eggs survived. Three are with the last Targaryen and you have the other three. They only need fire to hatch. But don't hatch them here. They won't be safe." I look at him. "Promise me you will be careful. The last Targaryen will end up falling and with her two of her dragons. The last will need a mother and that will be you." I'm so confused and he could see that. "Listen I can't tell you when or how. But across the sea she is making her own name and here you will make yours. She will go mad, but you will not as long as you listen and learn. Never stop learning."

He places a kiss on my forehead. "We will all be in the stands watching and rooting for you." He then walks out. I laid in bed thinking until I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to Catherine, Cersei, Freya and Arya in my room to help me get ready. James brought in my leathers that I had fought in on the day of my death. They were fixed and cleaned. He just bows and walks out. I got dressed in a pair of trousers and a tunic. Catherine and Arya helped put on and tie my leathers. Cersei and Freya did my hair and war make up. Freya added Flokis gift to my hair smiling.

We walked to the door leading into the ring. Freya had helped me attach my shield. Because it was a one on five match they allowed me to have all my weapons beside my bow. Which I was okay with. Catherine and Freya helped attached my sword and daggers. Arya came to me handing me my cloak. I put it on and Cersei tied it shut, she placed a kiss on my head. Whispering ."Don't die."

She left before she could cry. Arya then handed me my latest gift. Rob had gifted me a cane with a snake wrapped around at the top, which so happened to turn into a this Valyrin sword. Gave them all a nod and they went to go sit with the royal family to watch.

The doors opened and I placed my hood over my head and limped in using my cane. I was announced and when they all heard why we were having this dual. They all gasped no one recognized me yet. Tywin's champions were announced. I looked up and pushed my hood back locking eyes with him. He looked so smug like he had already won.

The rules were announced. When his soldiers saw me they laughed. They saw a woman with face paint and a cane. "This is who we are up against, a crippled woman?!" One barked and they all started to laugh. "What afraid to get your ass kicked by a woman.?" I look at them smirking. "FIGHT!!!"

They all ran to me and I tripped the nearest one with my cane and when another attack I stepped backwards unsheathed my sword and blocked him. I was literally dancing around the arena blocking and striking back until one grabbed my cloak and tried to throw me down. I chuckled and threw it off. I unhooked my axe looking to the four men left.

This fight went on for hours three down two left. We were all getting tired. "What that armor slowing you down grandpa?" I taught the knight in front of me. He made a grave mistake by letting his anger blind him I stabbed him in his side and he drops. I fucked up though turning away from him. I felt a sharp pain in shoulder I turn around pulling the dagger out of shoulder looking at his wicked grin. "Wrong move." I spit out stabbing him through his armor into his shoulder then breaking the hilt off so he can't pull it out.

The last guy was younger and more agile than the others. I eventually tripped him but the pain in my shoulder stopped me from attacking further. I stumbled back in pain. I can hear everyone mumbling and gasping. I look up Jamie when his eyes widen I knew what was coming but my entire body hurt and I couldn't move. I just smiled as I felt the soldiers arm wraps around me and he holds a knife to my throat.

"Give up. You lose." He growls in my ear. My eyes moved from Jamie to the people I've grown to love. They all looked scared expect for my gods. They watch closely trying to predict my next move. I threw my head back breaking his nose. I lifted my hand pulling out my pins, spinning around and stabbing them into both sides of his neck. I pull them out and he falls to the ground.

I spun around looking at everyone in the eyes. I locked eyes with Tywin. "I am Yn Hardrade, Shield maiden, and the daughter of the goddess of war and love. And future wife to Jamie Lannister." I smiled proudly as everyone erupted with cheers and applause. I noticed Jamie running down the stairs to me. I run into his arms forgetting about all the pain. He picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist kissing me deeply. I smile as the crowd goes crazy again.

"I love you Yn Hardrade." I smile. "Yeah but I literally almost died for you so I love you more Jamie Lannister." We laugh as he spins us around yelling. "My future wife!!"

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