Chapter 10

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*training grounds*

I noticed we were being watched and talked about all the way to training. Once we got there I saw a knight showing Joffery how to stand and hold a sword and he copied the knights every move. "I wouldn't be giving advice when you can't even hold your own sword sir.?" They stopped and looked at me.

Jamie was biting his cheek to stop from laughing. The knight looked at me. "I won't be told anything by a woman." I raised my brow at him. "This woman can lay you flat on your ass in 2 minutes tops. And that's without a weapon and in a dress." I could see Jamie making his way to Joffery and start pulling him to our side.

"Please don't get killed this soon." He whispered as the stood in front of me. I looked at him and then looked back at the knight studying him, his hold on the sword how he has to slightly shift his weight while standing. "He couldn't kill me let alone wound me."

"That's it!!!" The knight charged me and I pushed Joffery behind me and lifted my axe to block his blow. "That was a huge mistake, you just tried to put the young prince in danger because you can't take advice. Shame on you." I pushed back against him and pushed Joffery behind Jamie keeping my eyes on the knight.

"I don't care if you attack me or any other man in this land, but you put a child in danger and I will not accept that, EVER!!!" I stalked towards him like a predator to a prey. Joffery and Jamie looked shocked, Joffery has done nothing but insult me and I still would protect him.

The knight charged again I side stepped and tripped him. He jumped up quicker than I thought he could he punched me in the face, I stumbled back and shook it off. I spit and noticed blood, I grinned blood dripping from my mouth. I noticed Jamie and few others come closer trying to deescalate the situation. I shook my head slowly. "NO ONE IS TO INTERFERE! HE IS MINE!!!" I laughed deeply. "Come on bring it."

I threw my axe to Jamie and pulled out my daggers from their holster on my legs. I spun them around and stared the knight down. He charged at me again and instead of dodging it I went straight back into him. He swung his sword at my feet and I jumped up and landed on his sword he tried to pull it be locked it into the ground with my daggers. He looked at me and I grinned and punched him straight in the face. He fell back blood running out his nose. "You done?" I asked.

He got up and kicked at me but missed. I was getting a little tired of this he wasn't a good enough opponent. So I decided to end this quickly. I let him charge at me and as he did I flipped backwards landing a kick straight to his face knocking him out cold. I landed on my feet barely out of breath I walked over and grabbed my daggers from the ground and wiped them clean before placing them back in their holsters.

I turned on my heels and walked passed Jamie to Joffery. I softly placed my hands on his face and started to examine him making sure he was unharmed. Even though he was stiff under my touch he didn't say anything. Once I was satisfied he wasn't injured I stepped away to Jamie taking my axe. "Nice catch. It was a gift so thank you for holding on to it for me."

"How did you learn to fight like that? I thought women weren't allowed to fight." Joffery sounded more curious than actually judgemental. I smiled looking up at the sky. "My father and uncle taught me." I looked at him still smiling. "I am what we call a shield maiden even though I was also a queen. I fought for my home and died protecting my love. I can teach you if you'd like."

Joffery surprised both me and Jamie when he genuinely smiled. "My uncle is good but I wouldn't mind a lesson or two from a shield maiden." He straightened up and said"As your prince I order you to go get those wounds looked at and no more fighting until they are healed."

I bowed my head,"I can only promise to not fight unnecessarily. I would fight to defend you and your family no matter how many wounds I already have." He nodded. "I'll accept that." And then turned to leave. I smiled softly.

"Let's go get you fixed up, prince Jofferys orders." He lead me from the training grounds and all of a sudden I felt  a pain my foot I stopped and pulled my dress up enough to see my foot. My foot was swollen. I forgot to wear shoes. 'smart y/n!' I scolded myself.

Jamie noticed and without a word he lifted me up bridal style and carried me into the Castle. "You know I can walk, right?" He shook his head. "Yes I know, but we wouldn't want the prince to find out you injured yourself even more now would we." I laughed and winced in pain. "Damn he could punch."

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