Chapter 14

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*story time continues part 3*

~Floki started to walk closer to the queen he knew only a little of she went through but just only learned when they started the project. "Because when I found out of my father's death and my uncle's disappearance I attempted to take my life and jumped from the highest tree here. I survived but only barely I couldn't walk for over two years and it took another two to gain the muscle back so yes Ivar I some what know. Why do you think no one has given you a second look or has judged you for what you are.? They see a man who has lived like this his whole life. And when I was in your position I was furious when they pitied me. I lashed out. I love my people and if they had never stayed by my side I would be dead. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and try the damn leg brace and crutches."

He looked taken back but bit his tongue. He looked at them but didn't move. "Floki I hope you rest well and thank you for helping with this ungrateful pricks gift." Floki did his signature giggle. "No thanks needed my queen. Oh here before I forget." He took out a long box and handed it to her. "Sleep well my queen." He ushered her out and shut the door. She walked back to her chambers.

Once in her chambers she got dressed for bed and then sat on her bed and opened Flokis gift. It was the most gorgeous thing ever it was a hair pin set but she noticed something different they were topped with a blood drop ruby she pushed it in the ruby popped out slightly and when she pulled it she realized it was connected to a pin dagger with runes carved into them. She smiled and set them on her side table and went to bed.

It had been almost a month since the feast and Ivar has been avoiding her like his life depended on it. She hadn't seen Floki for the last week. Winter was coming up so she was on double duty making sure everything was stocked up and that the kids and elder had warm furs and everything else they'd need. She made sure and helped with everything her people needed. Her uncle had protested.

"A queen should not be working like this, it's..." She interrupted him quickly and loudly for everyone to hear. "YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO I AM QUEEN AND THESE PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN CARE OF ME SINCE I WAS 9 THEY ARE MY FAMILY AND I WILL WORK BESIDE THEM UNTIL MY VERY LAST BREATH. YOU AND FATHER LEFT ME FOR YEARS. At least fathers death excuses him for the last 11 years, what's your excuse, huh?!" Her uncle stepped back from his niece, there was a fire in her eyes only a few only have witnessed. She was always calm when angry, always poise when pushed beyond her limits. But she was so mad at her uncle and father for years so when he pushed against her people she snapped.

Push her, question her she will take it as a queen, but question her actions she does for family, they swear she turned into a dragon. She turned away and went back to helping with the livestock. Her uncle stood there for a few and then walked off. Him and his brother have hurt her and he can't seem to figure out how to make up years of being away.

Winter has come and as she's on the dock watching the river she hears someone walk up to stand next to her. "My queen." She knows it's Floki, his giggle in his tone every time he talks. She has grown to love Floki being around he is like a dad and she is like a daughter. "Yes my silly Floki." He giggles. "Someone is in the great hall waiting for you." She looks at him curiously. All he says. "Come." She follows him to the great hall. No one is here. Then she hears a heavy wood against wood she turns around sees Ivar. If she hadn't noticed maids and Floki going to his room on a daily basis she would've assumed he left.

"You look taller." She smiles softly. "I'm sorry for my stubbornness and harshness towards you and your gift. I'm just so used to be looked at as crippled not a person. I've been practicing walking with these that's why I've been avoiding you." He looked any where but her. She walked up to him placing a hand on his cheek so he'd look at her. "I see a man who has been given a challenge in his life and I just so happened to learn in mine how to help with yours." Before she could think she did something unexpected, she kissed him. He was shocked and didn't know how to respond. So when he didn't she stepped back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

Before he could say anything she turned and ran to her chambers. She stayed there for the rest of the day. The next day started her turn to avoid Ivar and everyone else in her home. The only people she interacted with was Floki, who never said anything when she told him what happened, and her people. She would wake and leave before everyone in her home, and wouldn't return until everyone has gone to bed. She did this all the way to spring.

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