Chapter 9

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*Next morning*

I was softly woken up by Catherine smiling. "The princess has already left to break her fast with her family. She asked me to help you get ready so you can join them." I nodded and got up. She helped me into a dress that the princess picked out before she left.

I brush my hair out and do two side braids. The colors of snow and raven hair twisted together looked almost mesmerizing. "I'll take you to the princess and her family. Come." She opened the door and waited for me to follow.

As we walked the halls maids and guards I've never seen, stopped and whispered. Instead of dropping my head or turning and running off, I held my head high and walked the halls like I belonged here. From the corner of my eye I can see Catherine holding a proud smile.

We stopped at door with two guards. Catherine turned to me. "I hope you have a wonderful day my Lady." She then turned and left me at the door. The guards opened the door and once I stepped in I was greeted by a very energetic and happy princess,"My Lady." She squealed and ran into my arms.

"Good morning princess." I smiled down at her, "Momma don't you think this red dress looks marvelous on Lady Y/n?" I looked up and noticed a face I hadn't seen ever. "She truly does my darling, come Lady Y/n join us please."

"Of course your Grace." Myrcella grabbed my hand leading me to a seat between her and her uncle. "Mother why is this," the young prince looks at me with disgust,"thing sitting at our table and not with the servants." 'Rude' I thought.

"I'm sorry for my son Joffery, he has seemed to forget his manners. Apologize now Joffery." The queen looks at her son who seems to be in shock for her not taking his side. "That won't be necessary your Grace." I looked at Joffery in the eyes. "It's quite amusing that the young princess and prince don't seem to be afraid of my appearance as you are. Maybe one day you won't be afraid of me."

Everyone is shocked by my comment to the prince but I could careless, never had and won't start now. "I'm not afraid just disgusted." I laugh. "Why are you laughing? Mother why is she laughing?!" I calm myself, "my dear prince I'm laughing because when men say they are disgusted by someone that is because they are afraid of that person. You have no reason to be afraid of me."

And with that I start to eat and talk to the princess. "Can we go to the gardens after my studies for picnic and you can finish telling me the story of the young princess?" I nodded"Only if it's okay with your mother."

She jumps up and looks at her mother. "Oh please mom can we?" Her mother looked at her daughter, "Only once you've finished your studies understood." The princess ran to her mom giving her a big hug. "oh thank you mother." She turns back to,"I've order my uncle to show you around and keep you company. Come on Tommen we have to go." She grabs the youngest hand and off they went with a maid chasing after them and two guards.

All I could do was smile. "I'm going to the training ground with the prince, would you like to join us?" I look at him and then to the queen. "As long as the queen doesn't need me for anything, I wouldn't mind joining."

She shakes her head. "Unfortunately I have a lot to do this morning. I'll have some training clothes brought to your room so you can change into." She stands up. "You all have a great day and Joffery, listen to your uncle please. I want nothing but good reports later, understood?"

Joffery looked away,"Yes mother." with that she left alone with the king. Leaving me and with Jamie and Joffery. It was silent and very awkward. Once I finished I excused myself and left quickly.

Once I got to my room I found a commoners dress and a tunic with trousers along with my weapons that have been cleaned and sharpened on the bed. I smile and changed into the dress with the trousers underneath quickly. I tucked part of the dress into the pants. I examined all of my weapons, as I placed each in there special spots. I heard a knock at my door and rushed to open it. "I figured I could show where the training grounds are, my Lady."

I smiled at Jamie in his armor, "Depends are we training or going to war?" Eyeing him up and down. "I could ask you the same, but I'd hope you wouldn't wear a dress to war." I looked down at myself and then looked him in the eye. "A woman needs to know how to fight in the moment, because the enemy doesn't care what you wear they attack either way." His eyes looked almost sad.

"Well are we going to train or stare at each other." He cleared his throat and started to walk off. "Joffery should be there already." I shut the door and took off after him to match his walk.

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