Chapter 17

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*Yn PoV*

We have finally made it to Winterfell and I've been avoiding both of the Lannister brothers. I've talked to Cersei and the children and sometimes Robert. Can't quite ignore the king even when you know the wrongs he's done. We are greeted by the Stark family. I'm introduced as the family's new advisor and boys trainer.

Before Robert or anyone else can defend my honor I spoke up with authority,"Yes I am woman who can fight. Not only with a sword, but an axe, daggers and I can even shoot a bow better than most. I would demonstrate for y'all but I sadly broke my foot kicking a knight in face while barefoot. I have not been given permission to spar only to instruct that's it. " With that being said Robert took the attention from me back to him,"I would like to pay my respects to the dead." I knew exactly who was going to see.

"We have traveled long the dead can wait." Cersei tried to coax her husband. He ignored her looking at Eddard,"Now." With that they left. I made my way to Cersei,"Your Grace." I spoke softly she looked on the verge of tears. I ushered her away. "Lady Stark is there somewhere I can take the queen and children for some privacy." She looked at me and nodded, "I'll show you." With that she escorted us to a room with a lit fire place.

The children wanted to play outside so I sent them with Jamie, a maid and an extra guard. I sat next to Cersei she was staring at the flames. "Even in death she has his attention. I know he doesn't love me and that he only married me because of my family name and money. I just wish he would at least try to love me." I placed a hand on her back and looked at the flames with her. "He is fool. You are an amazing woman and mother. He just doesn't know how to let go of the past and for that I am so very sorry."

We look at each other smiling and then for no reason we start to laugh. "Come on we have to get ready for dinner tonight." She nodded in agreement. I left to get the kids so I could help them get ready for tonight. I watch as the oldest Sark daughter is pining over Joffery from a distance.

"He's quite handsome isn't he?" I look at the kids playing questioningly. She got startled and almost fell I caught arm to help rebalance herself and laugh. "I ddddont know, wh-what you mean." She stumbles over her words nervously. I shook my head and gave her a knowing look. She sighs. "Yes Prince Joffery is quite handsome."

"He stills growing up, he has too much pressure on his shoulder for being prince, so please excuse his behavior." I turn to look at her. "If he does or says anything inappropriate or mean tell me, and don't let me hear it from anyone else." I turned way yelling. "Prince Joffery and Tommen and Princess Myrcella, come-on now we have to get ready for supper."

"Yes Lady Yn." They say in unison and with that we all walked off to get ready for supper.

*Yn PoV*

After I left the kids to get ready I decided to walk around outside. I was getting odd looks for my appearance and tried hard to let it not get to me. "Just ignore them. I have all my life." I turned to see a man with black curly hair standing in the door way of stables.

"I'm sorry have we met?" I asked curiously he looked familiar but I can't place him. "Sorry my manners." He sticks his hand out,"I'm Jon Snow, Eddard.." I shake his hand interrupting him,"Eddard's bastard son?" He chuckles and nods.  I drop his hand. "Funny you only show a slight resemblance to him, but enough for me to say he's your father. Do you know who your mother is?"

Is eyes turned sad, "No ma'am, she supposedly died not long after she gave birth to me. Told my father to raise me and promise a good life for me." I feel bad and I don't know why but I ask,"I'm sorry but how old are you?" He looks taken aback. "Almost 17 my Lady."

"Valerian Steel?" I ask pointing to his sword. He looks shocked but amused. "Yes my Lady." Holding out my had silently asking for it. He hesitantly obliges. "Call me Yn please. I'm so not used to the 'My Lady' part." I swung the sword a couple of times. "Impressive, you have to be quite strong to wield such a sword. Very well balanced. Beautifully crafted."

I handed him his sword back and we began to talk about everything. 'oh no. He's not Eddard's son.' My face must have given away that my mind had wondered off. "Are you okay My Lady." I force a smile. "Yes I'm fine, I just remembered I have to finish helping the queen get the children ready." I start to walk away backwards,"I'll see you at the feast, yes?" He smiles, "Of course my Lady." With that I turn and take off back the castle and to the children.

I was so distracted with my own thoughts I wasn't watching where I was going and ended up running into the one man I've been avoiding since before we started this journey. I locked eyes with Jamie Lannister. I didn't notice he had a hold of my arms  until he let go and my arms were suddenly cold again.

"Are you okay?" He looks concerned. I shake my head. "I'm fine just lost in thought. Please forgive me for not paying attention." He just looks at me. "I'll forgive you if you tell me why you've been avoiding me for a month." I shake my head about to deny the accusation, but he stopped me by pulling me into an empty room.

"Bullshit Yn! What happened? Is this about what I said that day with healers? Because I apologized you said we were okay." He just kept yelling questions. "Jamie STOP!!!" He stops and steps back looking like I just slapped him. I took a deep breath. "Jamie," I started this time softly. "I'm just under a lot of pressure. I have been learning a lot about the different houses and the history of Kings Landing. I just need time to process it. Okay?" Its not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either.

He just nodded his headed."Okay, I'm sorry." He walks out. I feel bad like I want to cry. Myrcella bursts through the door. "There you are, they are about to be begin." I chuckle and shake my head. "Well best be going shall we. Come on." She giggled and we walk out to the dining hall.

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