Chapter 7

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I  still sat there staring at myself unaware of the others in the room. Until I heard her sweet voice. "Lady Y/N we brought food." I turned around and just saw her at first and the maid that was carrying a trey of food. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I had all sorts of things made and whatever you like we can make note of so we make sure we always have some."

She looked at me and I was slightly scared my appearance would frighten her. "You look so beautiful. I haven't seen a braid like this did you do it." I looked and noticed it was a traditional Viking braid. How does anyone from this realm know how to do these? "Could you do my hair like this please?" She had light in her eyes I was afraid to say no but I couldn't say yes entirely.

Her smile falls. "I don't think..." I was caught off my the queen. "It's okay for you to braid her hair." I stood up quickly bowing,"I'm sorry your Grace I didn't see you there." She shook her head. "Then you could teach me as well." I looked at her surprised and softly smiled towards the princess. "I would love to braid her hair and to show you how to your Grace." Looking back at the queen smiling. Unbeknownst to both of us was Jamie and Myrcella looking at us one smiling with excitement and the other smiling with admiration and love.

He didn't know yet but Jamie was slowly falling for the mysterious Viking woman who has seemed to capture the heart of his daughter-niece. "Lady Y/N come eat and you promised a story remember." Myrcella's voice interrupted everyone's thoughts. We all turned to her and when she noticed all eyes on her she blushed of embarrassment and tried to hide her face.

I knelt in front of her, I placed a hand on her cheek to make her look at me. "Do not be embarrassed princess, and your right I did promise. How about you go get dressed for bed and we can lay in bed and I'll tell you a story..." She interrupts excitedly "A love story!" I smiled,"Okay a love story." She runs to a maid who has her gown and ushers her into another room to change.

"I should be going to make sure the boys are ready for bed and make my way to bed myself." The queen says then looks at me. "I'm glad you woke up and that you're feeling better. Please don't keep her up to long." I nodded my head. "I promise your Grace, one small story than it's off to bed." She nods in acknowledgement and leaves.

"Are you going to be okay my Lady. I can stay awhile longer if you'd like." I looked at Catherine. "You have done enough, go get some rest, you have definitely deserved it." I pull her into a hug. "Thank you for all you have done." She hugs back and after awhile she pulls away smiling. "Goodnight Y/N." I smile back "Goodnight Catherine."

Once she leaves I'm left alone. 'mhm Jamie must of left with the queen.' I thought to myself. I walk over to the trey of food. I then notice how hungry I am. I eat a little and drink some water. I sit by the fire place thinking.

The princess comes into the room. "Okay miss Y/N I'm ready now." I look to her opening my arms she runs to me and jumps into my lap. The maid brings us a blanket and covers us with it."Thank you." She nods and walks out shut the door behind her.

"Now you wanted a love story yes?" She smiles at me nodding her head."Please." I lay her head on my chest and pull her closer to me so she doesn't fall. "Okay." I think for a minute.

"I can only think of one but it's also a little sad as well. Is that okay with you?" She doesn't answer right away. She then nods her head. "Yes ma'am. That's okay with me." I make sure we are covered up and comfortable before I start telling her my story.

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