I lost it when she chucked her jammed gun at that one guys head. That shit was hilarious.

I chuckled softly at the memory. She truly is crazy. I love it. I sighed before standing up to walk away. Just as I got to the door I heard her speak again and it had me turn around instantly, at her side again before I could even blink.

"Antonio..." she mumbled, a look of pure sadness on her features.

Antonio? Who the fuck-?

She settled back into a somewhat peaceful slumber. Part of me wanted to crawl into the bed with her, hold her close, chase her nightmares away.

The other part of me knew I would wake up dead if she found me sleeping with her.

I leaned down again and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, lingering for a second as her warm vanilla scent crept into my nose. I never knew I had a favorite smell until now.

I give her one last glance before sneaking out of the room, shutting the door softly behind me.

I head to my office and begin looking through my files again. Who the hell is Antonio and why is she dreaming- no, having nightmares about him?

Not really knowing where to start looking I decide to rifle through her father's file again. Out of her and her family members I had the most information on him. Maybe there was something I missed.

It's not long before my eyes fall on the 'Family' section of Leonardo's file, and an unfamiliar name prods for my attention.

Spouse: Elena Caputo

Children: Alessia and Antonio Caputo

How the fuck did I miss that?

Upon reading further I find that Antonio was not only her brother, but he was her twin. My mother killed her other half. My heart broke for her at the thought of that.

I briefly imagined what I would do if I found Maria like that, shaking the thought instantly because I simply can't even picture it. Maria is my baby sister, and if I had found her dead, I know I would be doing exactly what Alessia is doing now.

I sigh and lean back in my chair, running a hand through my hair. She has been through so much pain and trauma, no wonder she turns her emotions off. It's easier that way.

I would know.


Alessia's POV

I run out of the building, immediately scoping my surroundings.

All clear.

I proceed forward carefully, on guard, my gun ready to fire if need be. I turn down a random alleyway and-


My character drops dead in slow motion, earning a loud victorious cackle from Antonio and a frown from me. He throws his arms in the air, controller in hand, flashing me a cocky smile.

"Un'altra vittoria!" (Another victory!) he exclaims as I roll my eyes and set down my controller, crossing my arms.

"Solo perché hai tradito." I mutter. (Only because you cheated.)

"I never cheat little passerotta. I'm just better at everything than you." (Sparrow) he mocks, sticking his tongue out at me.

"You are far too cocky. Questo è il motivo per cui sono il preferito." (This is why I'm the favorite.) I retaliate.

He chuckles before starting a new match. Our fingers dancing rapidly on the controllers as we search the map for one another. I spot his character and take my shot, taking him out and winning the match.

"Yes!" I exclaim, happy that I finally fucking won.

"Good job passerotta." His voice is no longer upbeat and happy, but hoarse and dark. I look over at him and scream in horror, my heart dropping.

His face is bloodied and beaten, one of his eyes swollen shut, blood pouring from different injuries on his face. "You've killed me." As he speaks blood dribbles out of his mouth, his voice monotone and low.

"I-I'm sorry!" I manage to get out, my throat closing up, horror etched into my expression.

He leans in close, allowing me a closer look at his tormented and disfigured features. He tilts his head before speaking again. "She is going to finish what she started little passerotta."

"Who?" I ask in a shaky voice as a sinister smile creeps onto his lips. "She is coming for you. The clock is ticking." He leans over to my ear, before whispering,


I jolt awake, panting heavily as I frantically look around the room. I am safe. I am still at the Marchetti mansion, in the room that Nicolo let me sleep in. My brother is not here, no video game, no blood and guts.

I sigh as my heartbeat slowly returns back to normal, thinking about the dream that just shook me to my core. I've had nightmares before, obviously, but this one was different.

Typically I am being chased by some unknown figure, fearing for my life as I run farther from who knows what.

But this?

This wasn't just some typical nightmare. I had never dreamed of my brother before, at least not like this. Not envisioning him as I had found him on that day. This didn't just feel like a bad dream.

It felt like a warning.


Hey guys!

So I have been putting pictures into the header of most of the chapters, but for some reason I don't think they are showing up?

Let me know if you guys can see them because I cannot.

As always be sure to comment and let me know what you think of the story so far!

Love ya! <3

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