I rapidly pull my gun from the holster, aiming and shooting three men, they drop instantly. I look over and Nicolo is doing the same, I watch as he takes two out, then looks over to me. "Do you see Rocco or Xavier?" He asks before taking another shot.

I scan the crowd and see Rocco hiding behind a wall reloading his gun before taking more shots, looking further I see Xavier ducked behind a knocked over table doing the same. "They're good." I mutter before firing again.

"Who the hell are these guys?" I ask and am returned with a shrug.

They are still coming into the club, at this point any bystander had either scattered from the scene or was dead on the floor. The sight angers something in me. I reload my gun and stand, walking around the bar and shooting anyone that comes into my line of sight.

"Alessia!" Nicolo is shouting my name, but I see red. A man comes up to me and places his hand on my shoulder, I immediately turn and break his arm before shooting him between the eyes. Turning again a very large man charges at me. I go to fire my gun but it jams. "Merda." (Shit) I mutter.

I throw the gun at him and hit him on the forehead, knocking him out. That's one way to do it I suppose.

I reach in my holster and pull out two large knives, I slit the throat of one man that is heading towards a cowering girl in the corner, and stab another in the gut. I take them out left and right, my blades stained red.

I look to my left and a man was just about to fire at me when all of a sudden he dropped dead. Nicolo appears at my side as he shoots two more. "Sei fottutamente pazzo!" (You are fucking crazy!) he shouts, though his expression is amused.

I smirk as we continue to take them out together, one by one. I can't say it wasn't fun. I enjoy the bloodshed, watching the life drain from someone's eyes. It makes me feel powerful. I look at Nicolo and I know that he is thinking the same thing based off of the grin on his lips.

Finally the room is silent, the only sound is our heavy breathing. We look at one another, both covered in blood. At least it's not our own.

Rocco and Xavier come over, Rocco is visibly upset. "Man I was just about to get that girl's number." he pouts. Nicolo gives him an annoyed look before turning to Xavier.

"Find out who the fuck did this. Get Riccardo and Luis to call the others and clean this shit up. I want this information by yesterday so get it done." He orders, Xavier nods and immediately starts making a phone call.

Nicolo turns to Rocco, "Find out where the fuck Sebastian is. Something isn't right here. He never showed up, if that fucker is responsible for this bring him to me, alive. I enjoy killing rats." Rocco nods and leaves the building.

Suddenly a man on the floor begins groaning, he isn't dead yet. I walk over to him and grab him by the collar. "Who do you work for?" I shouted at him through gritted teeth.

"Fuck...you..." he spits through a bloodied mouth.

I take my knife and stab it into his shoulder, twisting harshly as he shouts in pain. "Do I need to repeat myself?" I tilt my head to the side.

"V-Vittoria." The man mutters. "P-Please just kill me."

"Patetica." (Pathetic) I mumble before stabbing the knife through his skull and standing upright.

Nicolo is looking at me with a grin on his face. "I think you should work for me, si? You got more information in two minutes than Xavier could in an hour."

"I work for no one Mr. Marchetti." I say before moving on. "Vittoria wouldn't just attack this club out of nowhere right? She had to have known we were here."

Nicolo nods. "I assume Sebastian is a fucking snake and told her. Bastardo." He mutters. "I will have my men find him and we will deal with him from there."

Anger is growing inside of me. Yet another failed attempt at getting any lead on Vittoria and it was frustrating me. Nicolo must have noticed this because he steps forward and holds my chin again, making me look up at him.

"Non preoccuparti, l'avremo abbastanza presto." (Don't worry, we will have her soon enough.) he speaks softly, his words and touch calming me down almost immediately.

"Stay with me tonight." he suddenly says, my eyes widen in shock. "We don't know if Vittoria will be coming for you, it won't be safe if you are alone."

"You do realize that I took over half of these guys down myself right?" I ask in an 'are-you-serious' tone.

He chuckles and nods. "Si I know, but I would feel much better if you were in my house with more protection than just your knife."

"Oh, you mean the house that I broke into in like 5 minutes by myself?" I retort.

He laughs again, "Alright, have it the hard way." he says. Before I can even figure out what he meant by that, he has picked me up and hoisted me over his shoulder, my face now staring behind him and his arm around my legs.

"Let me go stronzo!" I shout as he carries me out the building as if I weigh no more than a toothpick. "This is kidnapping!"

I feel his chuckle vibrate through his body. "Cara mia, you just watched me murder at least 20 people, I think kidnapping is the least of my worries."


Heyyy guys, you like the book?

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Love ya! <3

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