(RWBY V1) Forever Falls Pt2

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The opening ends to Jaune Arc getting pushed to the ground of Forever Fall right after the events of the "Forever Fall", groaning as he looks up and sees a sap-covered Cardin looming over him. The bigger warrior picks Jaune up by his front and grins while punching him back to the ground.

Cardin: You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy. (picks up a bruised Jaune again while the rest of Team CRDL watches) I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces.

Jaune: (head hanging back) I don't care what you do to me... (looks at Cardin with fury) ... but you are not messing with my team.

Cardin: (looking momentarily shocked) What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?

Jaune smiles in defiance. An enraged Cardin roars and raises his fist again, but just as the hit connects, a bright light shines from Jaune, and when the white fades from the screen, Cardin is crying out in pain as he holds his hand. Jaune, now back on the ground but completely healed, looks confusedly at his hands as they faintly glow white. While he stares, though, Sky Lark kicks Jaune in the back and gets him on his stomach, but he looks up and glares at the approaching Cardin.

Cardin: Let's see how much of a man you really are...

Onyx(off-screen): That's funny. We were about to say the same thing about you.

Jaune and Team CRDL turn towards the voice, only to see Team SDOW. This causes Team CRDL to be afraid, Watari looks at Jaune with concern and sees him looking back at the others.

Watari: You okay Lady Killer?

Jaune: Yeah. I've been better.

Cardin(nervous): Oh no. Wh-wh-where did you guys come from?

Damian: You didn't know? We've been watching you guys all along.

Sky: What?

Dove: So you guys heard the whole thing ?

Silver: Every word.

The entire team starts to get nervous and Damian slowly walks forward, then immediately his entire body starts to glow around him, hair turning yellow and his eyes turning blue. This causes everyone except Silver to be either in awe or scared.

Onyx: Whoa.

Jaune: Damian's hair is glowing and that bright light must be his Aura.

Cardin(nervous): This is bad. He looks extremely pissed off and ready to fight.

Watari: I've seen nothing like this. Does that mean Damian is pissed off and should we stand back?

Silver: You guys should step back. I'll be waiting for Damian's orders. This should be entertaining.

Watari and Onyx look directly at Silver, they step back and watch their leader very carefully.

Damian: You know, when I was traveling around Remnant looking for bad guys, I remember going to Sanctum watching this beautiful Redhead fighting for her title in the Mistral Region Tournament, she was focused, determined, skilled, smart, honorable, the best fighter I've seen among many Huntresses, so many people among the crowds were amazed at this young woman. But one person out of the crowd didn't cheer, she just watched and closed her eyes, hoping that she'll be okay. I looked at this woman and told her that she'll be fine. The girl won the fight and I was fortunate enough to meet her. Her name is Pyrrha Nikos and the woman I met was her mother.

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