That's when I saw her.

I watched as she entered the room, all of my attention immediately drawn to her.

Who is she?

She wore a long, deep red dress. It hugged her body perfectly, accentuating her goddess-like curves. The slit in the fabric, shows off her long, tanned leg, right down to her sharp black heels. She wore a mask that matched the red to her dress, covering most of her face, but showing off her bright, emerald green eyes. Her raven hair fell in curls just below her shoulder, moving slightly as she made her way slowly through the crowd.

Everyone else in the room was happy, carefree, having a good time. It was a party after all. Not for her though. I watched the way her eyes slowly scanned the crowd as she moved through it with ease. Her tense stance and calculating gaze was familiar to me. She was not here to have fun.

She was on a mission.

Her back was turned to me now and my attention was immediately drawn to the tattoo that was shown off with the backless dress. A long, black snake traveling up the length of her spine, looking as though the creature was wrapping itself around the bone. Poisonous and dangerous, matching her energy to a point.

Before I knew it I was making my way to her. She intrigued me. Her presence demanded attention, and I was curious. Now I am no more than two steps away from her, about to speak before her head turns, slightly looking over her shoulder.

"It's rude to stare." She says coldly, her features emotionless.

She knew I was looking at her?

Hiding the shock that she had caught my gaze, I clear my throat and speak, "My apologies, cara mia." (my dear)

As I spoke she now turned to face me fully, staring up at me with her cold hard eyes, to which I returned the favor with a smirk playing on my lips.

"I only wished to dance with the most beautiful woman in the room." I continue smoothly.

She rolls her eyes at this and places her hands on her hips. "Is that the best you've got?" She asks in an annoyed tone, clearly trying to get out of the conversation.

I am amused now, having fun with this mysterious woman. My advances typically make women melt like butter, but she was not budging. Her eyes. I couldn't stop staring at them. They were a bright green, staring right into mine. They seemed...sad? She had put up an emotionless front, but I knew how to read people, and I picked up a twinge of pain behind those emerald beauties.

I need to know more.

I take a step closer, leaning down a bit to her level. "What's the matter bella? Too scared?" (Beautiful)

"In order to feel fearful one must feel first stronzo." Her words dripping with venom, her accent taking me off guard. (Asshole)

"Stupendo e italiano?" (Gorgeous and Italian?) I ask, testing her knowledge of the language, "Come fa una donna così impressionante qui tutta sola?" (How is such an impressive woman here all alone?)

"Quando la donna è sempre sola." (When the woman is always alone.) She states coldly, before turning to leave.

Not wanting her to walk away I grab her wrist and twirl her around, pulling her to me, my hand resting on the small of her back, my hand holding hers to my chest as our faces are now inches apart. Her eyes flash with fury as I'm sure she is not a fan of how I just manhandled her, but I couldn't help it, I needed to know more about her.

We begin to step in tune to the music playing, the tension between us filling the air.

"You've got some nerve grabbing me like that." She growls through gritted teeth, digging her crimson nails into my chest inconspicuously.

I smirk and twirl her before pulling her back to me, enjoying the frustration that was fuming off of her. "What is the matter? Non ti interessa ballare con il diavolo?" (Don't care to dance with the devil?")

She tilts her head to the side, an evil gleam playing in her eyes. "Darling, the devil should fear dancing with me."

I dip her lowly, her hair almost touching the floor as she leans her head back, exposing her neck fully. Stunning. We stay like that momentarily before I bring her back up, our noses almost touching, eyes staring deep into one another, before continuing our dance.

"And why is that?" I question, curious as to what she will say.

She halts our movement, this time the smirk gracing her dark red lips. She brings her hand to my neck, pulling me down to her, her mouth now just by my ear.

I feel something in my gut stir at her soft, yet rough touch on me, her long nails once again digging into my skin to hold me in place. Her breath dancing across my skin, our bodies closer than when we were waltzing across the floor.

"Because I am the ice that will freeze Hell over, with the devil trapped inside." She whispers into my ear, before turning on her heel and disappearing into the crowd.

I was left staring, trying to find those mystical eyes again but to no avail. Just as fast as she had arrived, she disappeared, leaving me craving more.


I hope that everyone enjoyed the chapter!

Also before anyone is like

WhY wOuLd VitTorIa tAkE oVeR iNstEaD oF NiCoLo?!?!

Because I said so that's why.

Plus who doesn't love a badass female mafia leader?

I mean this one is kinda a bitch but still.


Love ya! <3

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