When they died, so did I.

The police didn't give two shits about the case, claiming there was nothing they could do since the killer left behind no clues. The case went cold almost immediately, and so did I.

Starting an investigation of my own, I found myself searching through my fathers office one day. He was always so cruel, but also suspicious. The amount of times he would leave us for days on end, no explanation, returning with bruises or cuts on his face, sometimes worse. It had me wondering if there was something more to this than just a break-in murder like the cops assumed it was.

Yeah, long story short, I found out he was a part of a gang. Not only part of it, but the leader of it.

He was also cooperating with the Italian Mafia, handling their drug dealings and such. Well, turns out he wasn't cooperating too well and he was keeping a lot of the money to himself. Selfish bastardo.

Vittoria Marchetti was the leader of the Mafia. The first female lead they have had in quite some time. She was ruthless, cold, and calculated. I knew that she had some part in the murdering of my family. After all, you can't expect to cross the Marchetti family and get away with it.

She was my target. For the last four years I have been searching for her. My brother and mothers killer. Killing my dad? Understandable. The bastard was crude and conceited, and probably crossed her in more ways than one. Not to mention the torment he put us through.

But Antonio and my mom?

She signed her death sentence at that point. They did nothing wrong. She killed two innocent people. The people that made my life bearable. The people that kept my heart beating. Toni and I had just turned 21 the week previous, he was still so young, had so much life left in him. My mother deserved nothing but happiness in her life, but all she received was pain.

I turned off the water, wrapping a towel around myself and stepping out of the shower. Just then my phone lit up. I picked it up, answering the call and holding it to my ear. "Caputo." I spoke into the phone.

"How's my favorite little murderer?" The voice on the other line cooed. I rolled my eyes at the remark.

"What the fuck do you want Sage." I growled into the phone, annoyed at her bubbly voice.

"Easy killer," she chuckled, "I've got some new intel for ya, meet at the usual spot?"

"Give me half an hour." I said, ending the call before she could speak another word.

Sage was the closest thing to a friend I had at the moment. I met her a couple years back on one of my personal little missions, and she's proven herself useful ever since. She's a wizard with a computer, and knows a little bit of everything about everyone. If I ever need any information I go to her. Her outgoing personality is a bit much to handle at times, but sometimes it's nice to have a little humor back in my life.


I pull on black jeans, a black t-shirt, and my favorite leather jacket. Stocking my boots with knives and hiding my gun in my waistband, I give myself a once over and grab my keys before heading out the door.

Exiting to the parking garage I hop on my bike, strap on my helmet, and zoom out of the lot, making my way towards the secluded café Sage and I meet at. It's close to the edge of town and not very popular because of their stale desserts and sour coffee. The perfect spot to talk about such matters without worrying about prying eyes.

Parking my bike by the small shop, I take off my helmet and go inside to find Sage already in the corner table, typing madly on her laptop with half a croissant in her mouth.

I sit down across from her and her eyes light up when she spots me. "Hey Tiger, how you doing?" She asks, trying to make small talk, as always.

"Get to the point." I sigh, crossing my arms on the table and staring at her, unamused.

"Alright alright sheesh. Did it get cold in here or is it just you?" She joked, looking at me and waiting for a reaction.

I stare at her indifferently.

"Nothing? Alright fine," she says before taking another bite of the stale pastry. "How do you feel about parties?"

Growing annoyed I am about to stand up and leave before she explains further, "No no seriously, I have a point."

"Then get to it." I seethe.

"The Mafia is holding a masquerade ball tonight at the Marchetti mansion. Something about the youngest daughter's birthday. Lots of dangerous people will be there." She rambles off.

"Including Vittoria Marchetti?" I ask, intrigued.

Sage shrugs, "I'm not sure. Past few years she has been keeping a low profile, but there is a chance considering it is her daughter's 18th birthday party."

I weigh the pros and cons in my head. Sneaking into the Marchetti mansion might just be a death wish, but it will be a party, security might be a bit more lenient. Especially if the theme is 'masquerade ball', wearing a mask I should be able to slither in undetected. I'm sure I won't be the only unfamiliar face there anyways. If there is even the slightest chance that Vittoria will be there, I have to take it.

"Alright," I nod and stand up.

"Where are you going?" Sage asks, slightly startled at my sudden movement.

I turn back once before walking out, "I have to figure out what I'm going to wear." I smirk.


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Love ya! <3

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