(RWBY V1) The Badge and The Burden

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The opening ends to the window overlooking Beacon Academy from the new room of Team RWBY, panning over to Weiss Schnee sleeping soundly in her bed. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby Rose, dressed in her strangely-colored school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed.

Ruby: Good morning, team RWBY!

Weiss: (from the floor) What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: (ignoring the question) Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: (getting up and brushing herself off) Excuse me?

Yang Xiao Long: (holding a collection of objects - pillows, pamphlets, a candle-holder - in her arms, also dressed alongside Blake Belladonna) Decorating!

Weiss: What?!

Blake: (lifting her suitcase) We still have to unpack. (the suitcase opens, spilling its contents) Aaaand clean.

Weiss does not look enthusiastic, especially when Ruby knocks her back again with the blow of her whistle.

Ruby: Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! (raises her fist into the air) Banzai!

Ruby with Blake and Yang: (doing the same at her sides) Banzai!

Before the gang did anything, they suddenly hear a knock on their door. Blake walks towards the door and opens it to see Damian and his teammates who are carrying trays of filled with breakfast foods and drinks.

Damian: Yo.

Blake: Damian? Onyx?

Onyx: Hey there, kitty cat.

Weiss gets up and sees Watari who sees her wearing only a nightgown.

Watari: Wei-Weiss?

Weiss: Wa-Watari?

She immediately rushes towards the door and closes it.

Damian: You're just happy to see her in a nightgown.

Watari(blush): Wh-wh-what!?

Silver: Unless he was hoping for something else entirely.

Onyx: Is that true. (nudges his elbow; teasing smile)

Watari: Shut up! I would never think of anything so ridiculously idiotic.

Yang(opens the door): Okay. You guys come inside.

Damian let's others go inside first and he goes in last.

Damian(to Yang): Thanks.

Yang: No problem.

Blake: What are you doing here?

Onyx: We've been up training since 5AM (points at Damian) this guy was the one who woke us up.

Damian: I told you guys that I was going to push you as your leader. Anyway, after we trained for a bit, we got ourselves ready and went to go get breakfast and coffee, we figured you guys could use a jump start.

Watari looks at Weiss and hands her a coffee.

Watari(to Weiss): Something tells me you need this more than anyone.

Lethal Protector: RWBY × Yang × OC (COMPLETE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang