29. Live For Me

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I absolutely loved all your comments on the last chapter!! It makes me so happy to see how invested you are in Colton and Lily's story!

Your comments also show me how smart you are, but I won't be denying or confirming any of your theories, because I want to see what else you guys can figure out as the chapters go.

Love youu!



I silently cry as I watch Colton stride to the table and flips it to the floor, the sound of glasses and plates shattering filling the silent room.

"Colton!" Dave yells, but Colton is too far gone to care as he grabs a wooden chair and smashes it against the wall with a loud grunt.

My hands cover my mouth as I begin to sob, and Ali runs to me, gathering me in her embrace.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Liam grabs Colton by the shoulders, only for Colton to shove him off with too much strength.

"Colton, stop!" Dave shoves Colton just as hard. "Look at Lily! You're scaring her."

Colton freezes for a second before her turns around and looks at me. The sight of me sobbing and shaking in Ali's arms snaps him out of it.

"No." He whispers, his eyes falling on the mess he has made out of the living room before they move back to me, filled with worry. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head, running out of Alice's hold and right into his arms.

I'm not scared of him, I can never be. And I don't blame him for losing his temper, even if he shouldn't. He doesn't know how to control his emotions; I know that more than anyone. And I know that if it wasn't for me and my past, he wouldn't be feeling this angry, this scared.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He repeats against my hair, his arms squeezing me as tightly as humanly possible. "I'm calm now, I swear. I'm so sorry. Forgive me, Lily, please."

I only nod against his chest and continue to sob.

And I'm suddenly so tired and so angry. Everyday I wake up with determination to have a good day, to successfully do what I planned to do once I make it here, to be happy for once. But everyday something has to happen to ruin that, and I can't blame that on myself or my actions anymore. No, I blame it on whoever this evil person is, who thinks it's okay to terrorize me like this, to threaten me and my life.

I thought once I make it out of my hometown I cam finally be free. And then I believed that I can't be free if I still keep secrets from those who mean the most to me. I've done everything I could think of to just be okay, why am I still unsuccessful? Why can't this person just see that I have already suffered enough, that I deserve to move forward like Ali has told me not even an hour ago?

"Please don't cry." Colton sounds in pain. "I'm sorry. No one is gonna touch one hair of your head. No one. I won't let anyone come near you, Lily. I'm gonna keep you safe. I'd fucking die before I let anyone hurt you."

"Don't say that." I cry, my hold on him becoming painfully tight. "Don't ever say that again."

Not when I've already lost Anne because she kept the same promise. I can't lose Colton. I just can't.

"I'm sorry. Shh. I'm sorry." He caresses my hair, kisses my head, rubs my back, does everything he can think of to calm me down.

"Okay." I hear Liam speak, but I can't open my eyes yet. "I need someone to tell me what the hell just happened. That was a fucking death threat. Why? And who the fuck sent it?"

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