Chapter 11: When in Rivendell, wear a dress

Start from the beginning

"Stay sharp!" Thorin commands his company. I send the dwarf a glare, which he ignores. However, I understand his anger over Gandalf's communication with Lindir in elvish, for I never learned the language either.

"Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen {We heard you had crossed into the Valley}," Lindir says to Gandalf. I know what they speak of as Gandalf replays this conversation to me on a later occasion.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond,"demands Gandalf, though in a kind tone. His words set the dwarves at ease, for they now know what the two "giants" are talking about.

"My lord Elrond is not here," Lindir informs the wizard, causing him to frown for it is strange when the Lord of Rivendell is not home.

"Not here? Where is he?" Gandalf asks, now suspicious. At his words, the thundering of hooves and exclamations of horns reach the dwarves, sending them into a frenzy. I see an elvish battalion, including Lord Elrond, cross over the bridge and gallop towards us.

"Ifridî bekâr {Ready weapons}! Hold ranks!" Thorin commands of us, causing the company to create a circular defensive formation in front of Gandalf and Lindir. As I should have expected, the dwarves pull me into the middle of the circle as a sign of protection. I feel one of Thorin's hands wind about my waist, holding me tight against him. His other hand goes to lift up his new elvish sword, ironically, which hints for the company to raise their weapons as well. Given my position, I am forced to keep to my dwarven form. The whole situation is made worse by the elves galloping around our circle in a way that can only be described as threatening. Finally, the horses come to a rest as Lord Elrond rides forward.

"Gandalf," Elrond greets his old friend.

"Lord Elrond. Mellonnen! Mo evínedh? {My friend! Where have you been?}," Gandalf replies to the elf.

"Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui {We've beenhunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass}," Elrond responds in elvish, to my own and the dwarves' dislike. Elrond dismounts his horse, pulling Gandalf into a brotherly hug.

"Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something, or someone, has drawn them near," Elrond continues, suspicion lacing his voice.

"Ah, that may have been us," admits Gandalf, though I doubt Elrond is surprised. Thorin takes that as his queue to step forward and introduce himself. His arm, however, does not relinquish my waist, so I am pulled along with him, much to my embarrassment. This draws the attention of Lord Elrond, who looks at both of us in recognition.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain. And Erudian, Queen of the Phoenix," he greets us, not missing my blushing face and Thorin's arm around me. He gives a knowing look to Gandalf who just nods.

"My friend, I have missed your company. I see you still prefer to wear dresses over pants, which I will never understand," I reply, causing the elf to chuckle at my words, though it may be due to my muffled speech, caused by the dwarf's coat being pressed into my face.

"I do not believe we have met," responds Thorin gruffly, contrasting significantly with my light words. For some reason, Thorin decides to pull me even closer to him at that moment. I expect that, by this point, my face is the color of a tomato.

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the Mountain," Elrond tells the dwarf. I can feel Thorin wince under the multiple layers of armor and cloth he is I wearing.

"Indeed; he made no mention of you," Thorin replies quite rudely, causing me to elbow him in the ribs before pulling away from his tight embrace. I move closer to Bilbo, not planning to stay by the dwarf king when he chooses to be rude. I smile at the slightly-shorter hobbit as Elrond begins to speak in elvish again.

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