Episode # 25:- Venting out their anger.

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Episode # 25:- (Venting out their anger)

There was a pin-drop silence in the gigantic hall of the Knight Mansion. No one dared to say a word because their tongues were tied because of shock. The voice which could be heard in that dead silence was of Swara's hiccups. Even a person like Sebastian, whom nobody dared to shut, failed to form any word.

Swathi was the first one who came out of shock and looked at Swara.

Her state was so vulnerable that her heart cried in pain. Swathi got up from her place and signalled Sanskar to give her a place to sit beside her. Sanskar was sitting numbly in his place. He said nothing and gave Swathi a place.

"You are not a coward Swara," Swathi said and cupped her face. Her eyes were red because of excessive crying. "The way you ran away from there, even in that state, was proof that you are stronger than a normal human being. On one side, you may have hidden these things from your family, but on the other side, you have saved your family from an emotional heartbreak," Swathi continued while gulping the lump.

"No parents want to see their child suffering in such a way the way you have suffered, but you have endured all this alone. You have hidden this from your family because, more than fear, you didn't want to see them hurt, am I right?" Swathi asked, and Swara nodded while bursting into crying again. It's not easy to scratch your old wounds again, but today she had done that bravely.

Reyansh, who was sitting beside her, saw her state, and he knew she'll not stop crying. He looked at Sebastian and mouthed regarding the sleeping pills. They knew that giving her medicine like that would be dangerous, but currently, they don't have anything to calm her down.

Sebastian nodded and went to bring water. He mixed the pills in the water and gave the glass to Reyansh. "Doll, drink this," Reyansh said.

He took her in his embrace, and Swara, hiccupping badly, drank the water. Swara looked at her father and found his eyes red. She knew he was controlling himself.

She got up from her place and went towards Arnav. "Dad," she said and fell near him with a thud. Arnav immediately made her stand and hugged her tightly. "My daughter is strong, I know," Arnav said, and kissed her head tightly. Swara started feeling dizzy because she was already emotionally drained, and secondly, the pills started working.

Her hands from around her father's torso slipped, and she fell unconscious. Arnav held her at the right moment. Sanskar came forward and picked her up. He went upstairs and made her lie on the bed.

Sanskar bent forwards and kissed her forehead softly. He caressed her hair and went out of the room.

"Niharika stop crying," Aadhira said and rubbed her back to calm her down. "I can't believe my daughter is still sane even after suffering and enduring all that alone," Niharika exclaimed.

Sanskar, who came downstairs just now, heard Niharika's words and pondered over them. She has sleep paralysis, cuts herself, and tried to take depression pills, but in front of the world, she shows that she is okay. But mentally and physically, he knew she was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Mom, take Niharika mom," Sanskar said to his mother, who nodded. Ladies left from there, and now only males were present in the hall. Sanskar looked at Reyansh and Arnav, who were quiet, but he knew inside them, there was a storm going on.

"Reyansh Bhai?" Arush called him while keeping a hand over his shoulder. Reyansh came out of his thoughts and looked above. His eyes met his father's, and tears brimmed in his eyes. When he couldn't able to take it anymore, he burst into crying by keeping his hands over his face.

It was a heart-shattering moment for Arnav to see his ever-so-strong son crying like a child. Sanskar and all the others also got tears in their eyes. What Swara was for Reyansh everyone knows. He takes her as a daughter more than his sister, and after coming to know about her sufferings, his heart was bleeding.

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