"You look like you need a vacation, Larz." I commented.

His eyes averted to mine and he smirked. "Nice one for a second there I thought you were talking to the rich Larz." He said sarcastically. "Why the sudden interest?" He asked.

I shrugged. "It looks like something's bugging you is all." I replied.

He frowned and got that look in his eyes again. "Valeriea is really pushing me to my limits." He explained.

"Oh?" If it were one thing, I was there for Larz if he needed me as someone to vent to. I usually wasn't this nice to people but I had a thing for people who had kind hearts and creative spirits it filled my dull and uninspiring life.

"Yesterday we got into a fight about some shoes she wanted me to buy and I told her I couldn't afford it right now, but she kept saying that I was lying and saving the money for another girl." He said.

I shook my head; she was really bringing him down.

"So what now?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes. "So now she's ignoring my calls and texts claiming she won't be near me until I get her those shoes." he said.

I frowned. "Larz don't you think she's demanding a little you know....too much from you?" I asked him.

"YES!" He said pretty loudly causing a few heads to turn and he lowered his voice.

He shook his head. "I don't know, Mist...I'm really tired, I need a break." He said.

"Oh, I'll take over for you." I pipped in.

"From her." He finished.

We were dead silent for a minuet. Part of me was happy he was seeing the light and getting that venom out of his veins, but part of me cringed at the sad and restless look he had on.

I tried to lighten the mood so I nudged him playfully. "Don't worry about it Larz cause I'm pretty sure by tomorrow you'll be a famous rock star leaving little Misty alone at the coffee shop." I hinted at him.

A smile returned to his face and he scoffed. "I doubt that...and why would I leave you." he commented.

We stared at each other for a brief moment before someone interrupted.

"EXCUSE ME! IS ANYONE GOING TO TAKE MY ORDER?" I popped up from the coffee machine and headed for the lady and took her order. As I waited for the espresso to pour I turned to Larz a couple of feet away from me, he was still looking my way and I stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked and rolled his eyes and went to taking the next customer that appeared.

Guess the conversation was over.


After my shift was done, I went shopping for my outfit and lucky for me it was on sale but I knew I had an hour to get back to the apartment, get changed, and head out with the girls so I stepped on it. The bus was a couple minuets late to arrive but I was just happy I wasn't waiting 30 minuets for it to come. I hopped on and grabbed a seat near the back of the bus beside the window. I got a nice view of the upcoming sunset it was pink, red, and purple descending the sky in perfect harmony. It was times like this that I got so lost in the moment, I forgot about everything around me and just focused on right now.

Too soon my stop came up and I got off heading straight for my apartment only a block away from the stop. I made it there in under 10 minuets; as soon as I unlocked the door Alex's voice came to me.

"20 minutes, Mist." She said as she strode into the kitchen in something fashionable.

"Got it, love." I responded. I fast-walked to my room, threw my things on the bed, and headed to the shower that Tess and I shared. The other bathroom was shared by the other girls. It was a quick splash getting the basics done and ridding myself of the smell of coffee beans. When I took a shower my hair came out to its natural curly state which went to my shoulders. I tousled it a bit to give it a little volume and headed to my room and found a cute outfit. Tess told us we were going out bowling and then maybe a movie with the guys and that seemed cool.

I threw open my closet and grabbed something comfortable and cute. I decided on on a frilly white button down blouse with blue denim jeans, I covered that up with a brown sweater to the still cold temperature in January. Indiana was something for sure in the semi-winter time. I completed the look with some low-cut brown heels, a pretty African beaded necklace my aunt got me when she went to Nigeria and a matching necklace. I threw all my necessities into my favorite brown and white stripped carry-on bag; just in time because Tess was yelling for us to go.

We took Alex's car since that was the only one we all had. It was a seven-seater, shiny black Range Rover with the sexiest interior I've ever seen. She once told us that she got this one custom made. Alex was something, not the one to flaunt her money at people but we knew she had it.

We arrived to the bowling alley a couple of minuets late. The guys were already there waiting for us rubbing their hands from the cold. All I could see from the car were four dark figures waiting patiently for us.

"That's them." Tess pointed out the figures.

Chrishell rolled her eyes. "Like we didn't see them." She said.

"Funny." Tess said sarcastically.

We all hopped out of the car and braced ourselves for the worst. Not that we didn't trust Tess's instincts but we still didn't want to be walked all over by these guys. God knows how they were going to be. We walked towards them and two of them turned their heads up in our direction.

"At least they were polite enough to wait outside for us." Alex commented.

I only walk closer and clenched my body from the cold.

The sudden feeling of nervousness washed over me and I instantly stuck myself to Chrishell.

She smirked. "Scared, Tess's plan is a fail?" She asked.

Tess frowned. "Really, they are not English majors." She said and we stopped abruptly. That's when I realized we were all in front of them.

She was right they were not English majors.

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