We were in our sophomore year at Indiana State University. It was basically a year ago when most of us met. I remember walking to the apartment door with Chrishell lugging our luggage behind us.

We signed up to be together in the apartment, but the other two house-mates were chosen on a first-come first-served basis. I remember turning the unlocked door knob and walking into the clean, new feeling apartment with Chrishell. In the living room there were two white girls, one brunette, another blonde who were moving the couch around the room finding a perfect spot for it.

My first initial thought was: Great! white girls. I wasn't racist or anything, but I was worried about how they would act with us, and if we would end up having a lot of problems with them. I turned to Chrishell and she gave me a look to tell me that she was thinking the same thing. As soon as they heard us Tessly hopped over to us with a bright smile and introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Tessly Novak and this is my friend Alexandra May." She said pointing to herself and the newly appeared blonde next to her. They were both smiling, so they both seemed fairly nice.

Tess had long brunette hair that went past her shoulders and eyes that reminded me of a Siberian husky dog they were so sharp and frosty blue. Alexandra had the shiny, golden, blonde hair, and deep blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean.

They both were thin and a bit curved at the sides and seemed to keep their appearance up-kept considering their silky shined lips, and mascara-filled eyelashes.

Chrishell and I stopped staring long enough to introduce ourselves as well.

"I'm Misty Paul and this is my friend Chrishell Marks." I said pointing to Chrissy beside me.

She smiled politely to them. They nodded happy to have met us. They began ushering us to the living room.

"I hope you guys don't mind we though the furniture was a bit tacky so we sort of replaced it with something better." Tessly commented behind us.

Chrishell and I exchanged looks again. Rich white girls; I thought.

The furniture was pretty high-end as expected; it was a pearl-colored love seat with matching recliners that had tiny little sparkles on the end and gave the impression of a seashell as I looked at it. As a matter of fact the whole living room was done up with this sort of beachy theme to it. I couldn't lie to myself it looked pretty amazing and its not like Chrishell and I would have changed it all that much if we got here first.

"We're fine...pretty nice job here." I said as I twisted around to get a better look at the place.

Alexandra giggled. "Thank you, I thought you guys would be mad since we started without you but I couldn't help it the couch was burning my eyes." She quickly glanced between Chris and I. "But on the bright side we didn't pick any rooms yet so it would be fair." She mentioned.

That was good. So the day pretty much consisted of us drawing sticks to see who got which room.

The rooms were fairly sized as well as the apartment, but some had better features than the other. Alex pulled first and she picked the room on the left side of the living room, I pulled second and picked the right. Tessly got third and picked the room on the right side of the kitchen, Chrishell lucked out and got the last room which was opposite the kitchen. It wasn't so bad, and it always had the strongest wifi connection.

The first couple of days were weird and awkward because we so unfamiliar with each other, then before we knew it we were all like the best of friends. The stereotypes that subconsciously slipped through Chrishell and I's heads were diminished as well as Tessly and Alex's. We got together really well, we set up cleaning days for each other as well as dinner days.

Aside from that Tess was an english major, Alex was a chemistry major like me because we both wanted to become doctors and Chrishell was a dance major. I swear nobody could put moves down like she could, she was destined for great things.

"Hello! Earth to Misty." Tess waved her hand in front of my face impatiently waiting for me to snap out of it, which I did. I looked at her apologetically.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"What were you thinking about?" Alex asked.

I shrugged, "Nothing...just how we're all single and eating Chinese food on a Friday night." I exaggerated.

Chrissy rolled her eyes and poked a shrimp into her mouth. "You're just saying that cause you're single, I got me a man." She spoke while her mouth was full.

I shook my head. "Oh really?" I asked.

"Mhmmm." She mumbled.

"Who is it?" Alex asked.

Chrishell swallowed her food and took a sip of her soda. "I'll never tell." She said.

We all booed her and exploded into laughter. Tears were literally pouring out of my eyes, why was this all of a sudden so funny? Its being cooped up all day long, that's what was getting to us.

"I got an idea..." Tess put her fork down.

Uh-oh, this is not going to be good. Tess having an idea was a big no-no.

"Whats that look, Misty...this one is good, I promise." She pleaded.

"Thats what you said last time, and I never want to see another plastic straw again."Alex mumbled. Chrishell snorted as she ate some more food.

Tessly frowned. "Really guys...it's not with the rnglish majors this time." She said.

We heaved a sigh of relief.

"They're my old friends from grade school, and I found out a couple of days ago that they go to ISU and they totally asked me to hang with them tomorrow." Tessly explained.

"So....does that mean us too?" Chris asked.

Tessly gave her a dumb look. "Duh, I'm not going all by myself and be surrounded by a whole bunch of guys." She said.

She thought to herself. "Although, that won't be a bad thing." She smiled.

I slapped her arm, and she frowned rubbing it softly. "Ow...I meant for all of us to share." She smiled.

"That's what I thought." I said as Alex laughed at the look on Tessly's face.

"So what are these friend's names?" Alex asked curiously.

We all waited for her answer. She thought a little, "Wes, Chase, Rondall, and Jayden." She said.

I nodded my head. Sounded like respectable people, but we would have to see.

I picked at a couple more fries and shoved them into my mouth. The lovely honey glaze was drizzled on to the fries and they tasted amazing with the ketchup and hot sauce. It felt like paradise in my mouth.

"You sure these guys aren't sketchy, Tess?"Chrishell asked her.

Last time we went out with Tessly's friends we ended up taking a taxi home and making sure every single one of our doors and windows were locked. Let's just say they weren't the friendly type.

"I still look over my shoulder to this day." Alex said creepily.

We all shuddered at the thought, but moved on.

"No, they aren't sketchy pretty cool guys...they've grown up last time I've see them." She nodded as matter of fact.

I decided to take her word for it and I nodded my head. "I'm in."

"Me too." Chris said.

"Me three." Alex hyped in.

Tessly smiled.

It wasn't like there was anything special that was going to happen between any of us. We were all just connected friends hanging out together on a Saturday night.

Nothing new.

Tessly nudged me. "I feel like it's going to be different, Mist." she whispered to me.

I gave her a look that said "try harder" and she just smiled and continued watching her movie.

Great now I had that jumpy feeling in my gut.

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