"What?" I asked her looking confused and fixing the comforter on my bed.

"Why is your grandma icing Ron's back?" She asked.

"Girl his clumsy drunk ass fell down the stairs and she was asking me why I ain't help him. The fuck I looked like helping a drunky who just disrespects my grandma and I all day." I said rolling my eyes and spraying my room with air freshener.

"Yeah she needs to leave his ass already , it's time." Jasmine said shaking her head and sitting on my pink sofa.

"I asked her why won't she leave him , she keeps saying it's because she loves him. But all he does his talk about her and use her to cook and clean up for him and buy him shit cause he's broke." I said and Jasmine laughed.

"Grandma know she can do better than that!" Jasmine said.

"Girl let's go." I said grabbing my blue jean jacket and slipping on my black foam runners.

We went downstairs and was going out the door. We went and got in the car and Jasmine Drove away.

I was in the chair and my hair stylist spinned the chair around showing me myself in the mirror.

"Girl you look pretty as hell!" Jasmine said and I looked at her with a smile.

"You do too!" I said.

We paid the stylist and left. We got in Jasmine's car after.

"You wanna go get sushi?" Jasmine asked and I nodded looking down at my phone.

We got in the car and Jasmine turned the radio up. I took a couple videos to post on my Instagram story.

We went to the Sushi XO restaurant. We went inside and got a table for two. After we sat down and ordered our food we started talking.

"You ready for tomorrow girlll" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah you?" I asked and she nodded.

"We should take a trip after this, But where would we go?" Jasmine asked.

"Miami" I said sipping my water from the straw.

"That sounds fun , Being in New York be cool and all but it gets boring after a while." Jasmine said and I nodded agreeing.

"I don't wanna stay here forever , I wanna move out the state." I said.

"Me too girl , Imma see what this acting career do for me." Jasmine said.

"Don't you wanna do nursing?" Jasmine asked and I nodded.

"Yeah a Travel nurse." I said. "Girl they make alot of money too , taking care of them rich ass old people that me living by the water and shit." Jasmine said and I laughed.

"I mean it's not really for the money , I do really enjoy helping people." I said looking at the waiter being our food to the table.

"I mean yeah I wanna do modeling for the fun and the money , but I mean I'm that bitch as well so why not show off this pretty ass face?" Jasmine said doing the period motion with her hand causing me to laugh.

We began eating our sushi and continued talking.

"You look cute , lemme take your picture" Jasmine said reaching her arm across the table to get my phone and I gave it to her. I posed for the picture and she took it.

"Yeah this cute as hell" she said looking at the picture after she took it and gave the phone to me.

I looked at it and smiled. "Yeah this is cute" I said. "You should post it Jasmine said.

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