06 Crystal Cavern Part 3

Start from the beginning

Mephiles glances from his book to his pet before going back to his book. He's reading how Mystic Cave had gotten its name hundreds of years ago and it's quite fascinating.

'Did he just... He ignored me...?' Sonic looks from Mephiles to the book, very surprised to see it in such a place, before looking back at Mephiles. He blinks his eyes a few times before shaking his head, trying to get rid of this strange phenomenon. It's not important. What is important is him getting out of the other's grasp and getting back to Shadow and Rouge.

"I said," Sonic moves his hands to the other's chest, pushing against it in hopes to free himself. "-let go of me!"

Mephiles quickly grabs one of the wrists, pulling it off from him as he lets out a sigh. He then makes the book disappear before turning his full attention to the hero only to feel a fist connect with his right cheek, making his head turn to the side.

Sonic is slightly panting as he has his left eye shut. He pulled at his damaged side with that attack, really hoping the immortal would release him but unfortunately his right hand is still trapped in the other's grip. 

Mephiles opens his mouth to move his jaw to make sure it's not damaged before turning to look back at his now snarling pet. He tightens his hold on the hand in his grasp as he summons a tentacle from behind the younger. "I don't appreciate,"

Sonic's ear flickers when he hears movement behind him. He sees Mephiles release his hand but before he can even question the action does the tentacle tightly wrap around his wrists. "H-hey!" Sonic quickly tries to scoot himself backwards, to get off the other at the very least.

Crystalized hands grab the younger's waist, pulling him closer as he protests. "-being attacked,"

Sonic narrows his eyes, glaring at the elder, before pulling his head backwards. Instantly does he ram his forehead against Mephiles', knowing it did some kind of damage to the deity from seeing how the red and green eyes screw shut and a low groan can be heard. Using this opportunity, Sonic leans back, trying to get off the lap but is quickly stopped when a clawed hand digs into his outer thigh, forcing a low, pained groan from his lips. He looks down and sees little droplets of blood from where the claws are digging into him. Still, Sonic refuses to back down as he moves his left leg from the lap.

Mephiles quickly brings his right hand around the younger and grabs the first thing he can, making the younger stop altogether.

Green eyes widen as uneven pants leave Sonic's mouth. He slowly turns his head to see behind him while trying but failing to catch his breath and sees Mephiles squeezing the base of his tail. He clenches his eyes shut and his body starts to tremble just a bit as more uneven breaths leave his mouth. "L-l-let ... haa haaa-a-ah... g-go-oo..." he says in a whisper. He wasn't trying to say it that low, but it seems like his voice refuses to go any higher.

Mephiles does the opposite and squeezes the base tighter, making sure to dig his nails into it. He sees his pet tightly screw his eyes shut and dig his teeth into his bottom lip. He can feel Sonic's chest go up and down unevenly as he's trying to catch his breath, all the while his body is still trembling from this.

"I'm curious," He squeezes it to the point he can start to feel the bone.

Sonic brings the top of his head to rest against the other's chest. He's trying to catch his breath, but every time Mephiles adds more pressure to that part of his tail, it feels like more air is leaving his lungs. "S-stah-stah-ah-op... st-stop it...!" he tries to demand the other.

Mephiles moves his other hand from the thigh to the hero's lower back, just above the tail. He uses the tip of his middle finger to roughly scrape along the spinal cord, hearing more of the shallow and hitched breathing. "-what are you feeling," he releases the tail before he uses his forefinger and thumb to roughly massage the base. He then moves his mouth to the blue ear. "-to make your body act in such a way?"

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