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you looked infront of you as drista brushed your hair "hey..m/n?" "hmm?" "im NOT real" "what?-.." you looked behind you she wasnt there he started smiling "of course your not real" you looked at your hands before tears went down your s/n skin time moved slower in this place we call heaven or hell i dont know where i am i know i was in there for 14 years but to you it was just 2 days 2 DAYS of hell  your hands faded as you felt you were being revived you sat down as you looked infront of you dream crouched down his mask was off and he was smiling "hello m/n" you had tears going down your face as you lunged at dream hugging him as tears fell down your skin he revived you as an angel he could choose what you would look like you white wings went around dream as you feet were more faded like a ghost but not  dream felt warm inside he had HIS brother back and only his your wings went behind you as you two pulled away wiping your tears "i missed you two" dream spoke a small placed on your face "yea" you looked around you were revived were you died "so i came back as a ghost?" "yea more like a animal tho" "hmm?" "you came back as a dove spirit" your eyes widen "wow really?" "yea" dream he looked so..tired "go wonder i wont be far" he soon left after that you flew up in the sky as you tried flying getting it and meet with the face of sam as a trident was beside him "AH!" you yelled as you flew backwards "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" sam yelled landing in a tree as you perched next to him "dream revived me!" "well he shouldnt you killed tommy!" "HEH about that-" ((insert explaining)) "why did you lie?" sam said as ((hold on this is what sam looks like in my au-))

tired "go wonder i wont be far" he soon left after that you flew up in the sky as you tried flying getting it and meet with the face of sam as a trident was beside him "AH!" you yelled as you flew backwards "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" sam yelled landing...

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BEANS he just doesnt have like the lion looking body :p i also found this one funny hah)) 

"eh I promised dream a long time ago i would protect him no matter the coast" you smiled looking at the sky "even death?-" "OfCourse even death" sam looked at you "you shouldn't" "sam" "yes?-" "i have to hes my brother" sam eyes widened so big it looked like he just heard a secret well-you did so "WHAT? I THOUGHT YOU WERE HIS SLAVE-?" "aww" "what?" "look at how suprised you are so cute!" ((omg flirting :o)) sam face had violet blush all over he looked away "aww-" "SHut" his voice cracked in the middle "i-i guess your cute to.." you had blush cover over your face "didnt think you would flirt back bu u-uh thank you!" your wings shielded over you as you had a ((you can change it but for me ima put it there)) bisexual panic moment meanwhile sam just sat there in his head flustered as fuck ((end short chapter))

((DISCONTINUED!)) i wan to go home!...yandere dsmp x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now