15. x3 :(

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Clouds of pink purple and blue is what surrounded the portal.
It was eerily quiet but it felt very calming at the same time, ironic from the damage it was causing outside.

They flew side by side as they scoped the place out.

Y/N was broken out of her trance, almost flying through a piece of debris, making Hiro cringe.
"Careful! There's Krei tech debris everywhere"

They twirled around dodged, and even flew through large prices of debris that flew there way.

"Hey what if everyone threw their rubbish in here? Instead of landfills and stuff" Y/N spoke aloud and she gently move a small piece of debris away from her face.

"I don't- lookout!" Hiro yelled as a large window came their way.
Y/N easily flew to the side to avoid it but Hiro had jumped off Baymax and ran across it.

Baymax looked up to watch Hiro run, as did Y/N.

She was about to go over and Help Hiro but he had already jumped through a broken window, falling for Baymax who already had his hands outstretched in a hug.

Hiro landed on his chest with grunt, grinning softly as he wasn't dead yet.

"I have located the patient" Baymax announced, he tilted his head back, Hiro and Y/N followed suit to see where Abigail was.

There was a small capsule from afar.

"Hurry!" Hiro urged, immediately Baymax and Y/N sped towards the capsule.

Baymax put his hand on the capsule as Y/N flew to the other side to do the same.
Hiro rubbed the glass to see Abigail inside, Y/N did the same where she and Hiro Locked eyes from the glass before turning back to Abigail.

"C'mon buddy let's get her home" Hiro stated as Y/N came around to their side and followed Baymax to the end of the capsule to help push.
Hiro climbed off Baymax'a back and into the capsule where he could see what was in front.
"I'll guide you guys out of here"

Y/N nodded as she positioned herself beside Baymax.

"Let's go!"

They sped up their rocket boots, flying towards the debris and out the portal.

"Veer right!"
They did as told, dodging some debris.
"Okay, to the left!"

"Hard right!"

"Up and over."

Hiro continued, they did so with ease.

"Okay, level off. Easy..." they flew straight through a hole in the window.
"Wooo Nice flying!" Hiro laughed giddily, Y/N breathily chuckled in thanks.
"Almost there!" He said excitedly as they neared the exist. "You need a break Y/N?" Hiro grinned, crawling down to look at Y/N.

"I think Baymax's thrusters are faltering a bit"
Y/N laughed nervously. "This just feels heavier to push" Y/N slightly panted again, Hiros gave dropped in concern. "Or maybe it's mine. I don't know"

"Stay up here for now, Baymax can do the rest, right Baymax?"

Baymax turned to Y/N. "My thrusters are in good working order. You should take a break" he tilted his head at Y/N who grinned tiredly.

"So it's mine then" she chuckled as Hiro grinned as well, leaning over to help pull Y/N over the capsule.

The two smiled at each-other before Y/Ns face fell with terror, seeing a large bulky piece of debris flying straight towards them.

They didn't even have time to scream, however Baymax had also spotted the debris and quickly flew in front of the two, shielding them from the debris.

Y/N felt hardly any impact, but when she looked up, Baymax was no longer in front.

Big hero 7 - smart yet so dumb (Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now