2. Nerd school

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I love wasabi. He and Y/N are gonna have like, a sibling relationship bond.

Did anyone notice Hiro blushing when honey lemon kissed him on the cheek??? THAT WAS SOO CUTEEEE


Y/N sheepishly smiled At Tadashi in  the opposite cell with the members from bot fighting as Hiro waved, the two got a seperate cell together.

"I'd rather rot in here than your brother getting his hands on us" Y/N said to Hiro through gritted teeth, warily staring back at Tadashi.

Hiro only laughed nervously in return.

Tadashi glared at them angrily, more specifically at Hiro.


"Hi aunt Cass" the two boys chorused embarrassedly as they walked out of the station, she ran to them quickly giving them a big hug, before pulling their ears and dragging them into the car.

"What were you thinking?!" Y/Ns mother shrieked, walking up to Y/N angrily, her hands on her hips.
"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was for me? Having to leave early from a very important meeting to bail my daughter out of jail?!"

Y/N just stared at her mother flatly. "They couldn't of called dad-"

"I can't even look at you right now" her mother turned away laughing angrily, using her hands to the cup the sides of her face.
"You're staying at your dads" she said firmly. "I can't deal with this right now"

Hiro and Tadashi both puffed out their cheeks as they made eye contact, even Cass felt awkward watching.

"Okay" was all Y/N replied.

"Cass, you don't mind..?" Her mother turned to face Cass, her expression tired and desperate.

"I'm more than happy to lex" Cass brushed her off, placing a hand on Y/Ns back and leading her into the car.

"Thank you" Lexi sighed, rubbing her temple. "I just can't-"

"I understand" Cass replied softly, her hand falling over he chest. "Trust me" she turned back to the boys and gritted her teeth at them, they gulped sheepishly.


"For ten years, I have done the best I could to raise you!"
Both Hiro and Tadashi cringed at each other as Cass began to rant.
Y/N pressed her lips together awkwardly as she kept sneaking glances towards them.


"Am I perfect? No! Do I know anything about children? No!" She continued, stepping out of the car as the three followed, now beginning to unlock the door to the cafe/their home.
"Should I of picked up a book about parenting? Probably! Where was I going with this I had a point" she sighed, turning back to the three.


"We Love you aunt Cass" Hiro added sheepishly.

"Well I love you to!" Cass replied aggressively as the three walked in.
"I had to close up early because of you three felons, on beat poetry night!"
Cass grabbed a donut front he display and angrily took a bite.

"Stress eating!" She stated, holding up the donut, looking between the donut and the three felons. "Because of you! C'mon Mochi" Cass then hummed in delight. "This is really good!"
She walked into the living area, leaving Tadashi, Hiro and Y/N alone to walk upstairs.


"You better make this up to aunt Cass before she eats the whole cafe" Tadashi spoke to Hiro as he flew to his desk and opened his computer.

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