4. Hiros big idea

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Y/N had met with Hiro the next day, sitting upon his bed as Tadashi pinned up a poster for a showcase over a gaming one.

"Every year the school has a student showcase, You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But, it's gotta be great." Tadashi explained dramatically.

"Think you'll be able to pull it off?" Y/N smirked, hugging one of his pillows.

"Oh trust me" Hiro smirked before turning away and cracking his knuckles. "I will be"


"Nothing" he whacked his head onto his desk. "No ideas. Useless. Empty brain." He banged his head between each word.

Y/N just looked up at him Bored-ly from his bed, her head in her hand.

"Wow, washed up at sixteen, so sad" Tadashi mocked, flipping a page from the book he was reading.

"I got nothing! I'm done. I'm never getting in!" He cried, falling back into his chair.

"Hey!" Y/N yelled defensively, sitting up from laying down.

Tadashi got up and spun the chair Hiro was sitting in ti face him. "I'm not giving up on you" Tadashi then smiled, grabbed Hiro from his legs and pulled him from the chair despite his shriek.

Y/N grinned as she stood up from Hiros bed, watching the two brothers in amusement.

Tadashi swung Hiro around on his back. "What are you doing?!"

"Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours  think your way out!"


"Look for a new angle"

Hiro sighed, letting himself fall on Tadashi's back.

Y/N threw the balled up pieces of paper Hiro had crumpled from his failed attempts, throwing it at his face, Hiro was dodging them however.

As he moved sighed to side to avoid them, causing him to spot his robot sitting on his desk.

He tilted his head to look at it, an idea forming.

From his moment of distraction Y/N had finally managed to get him in the face.


Hiro opened the garage door excitedly, dragging Y/N behind him before letting her fall onto the couch inside.

He threw off his jacket and placed his robot on the desk, getting ready to start.

He worked continuously for hours over the next few days, Y/N going out and bringing some food every once in awhile to make sure he didn't starve himself slaving away.

Hiro eventually filled up his first bin with his invention, Y/N celebrated with buying an ice-cream cake which the gang also enjoyed as they came over to help Hiro.
"I tried making you a cake, but I burnt it" she laughed sheepishly.

Y/N helped Hiro to the best of her abilities, this meant she allowed Hiro to use her as a model for the head Piece, and she was also the one providing the bins and staying up late with Hiro to make sure he had made his goal amount for the day.

The two had even fallen asleep on the couch together, Hiro's jacket used as a blanket for the two. However this never happened again as Y/N had gotten in trouble with her dad for not coming home as she had... well, fallen asleep. In which this made Hiro bummed since now he'd been alone up late in the garage for the last few days.

Eventually, Hiro had made twelve bins filled with his idea, Tadashi and Hiro fist bumped once it was finished.


Big hero 7 - smart yet so dumb (Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now