8. First upgarde

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"Alright, let me get this straight..." the tired police man sighed at the desk.
"A man in a kabuki mask-" he looked to Y/N in reference as she nodded rapidly, "-attacked you, with an army of miniature flying robots." He looked over to Hiro who also nodded frantically.

"Microbots!" He yelled, holding the petri dish towards the policeman.

"....mi-cro-bots" he typed away on his computer.

"Yeah! He was controlling them telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter!" Hiro urged, pointing to his head.

"So Mr Kabuki was using esp attack you guys and ballon man" he nodded over to Baymax, disbelievingly who ripped a piece of tape off his deck to patch his holes.

They all just stared and baymax defeatedly, watching him inflate up his arm to see where air spurt out so he knew where to put the tape.

They watched until he patched up one arm, now inflating the other to do the same thing.
The police man shoved the tape dispenser closer to Baymax.

Y/N shook her head, getting out of her trance to speak.
"We know we sound just like a bunch of stupid kids, but we can show you the warehouse! It's all there-"

"Did you file a report when your flying robots were stolen?"

"No!" Y/N sighed frustratedly, Leaning onto the desk further.  "We thought They were all destroyed in a fire! but this- this guy-" Y/N looked at the ground angrily confused as she gestured movements with her hands. "-Was making more-"

"Look" Hiro sighed, cutting Y/N off. "Baymax was there to! Tell him" Hiro gestured towards Baymax beifre turning to him and gesturing towards the cop.

Baymax held up his finger. "Yes officer, they are telling the tru...th"
Baymax  stumbled as happy estranged to slur, his posture becoming unbalanced.

"What the..? What's wrong with you?" Hiro asked in slight alarm.

"Low battery..." Baymax continued to slur. "Heh heh heh-"

"Woah woah woah-" Hiro held his hands out, in case Baymax were to fall. "Try to keep it together baymax" Hiro laughed anxiously.

"I am healthcare! Personal- Baymax"  Y/N sprinted forward, pushing Baymax's back as he almost fell forward.

She stayed in front, Baymax now leaning over her.

The cop watched the scene tiredly before turning around to grab a clipboard.
"Kids, how about we call your parents and get them down here"



Hiro had joined Y/N in trying to keep Baymax's upright.

"Write your name and number down on this piece of paper and we can- woah"
The the cop turned around with his clipboard, Y/N and Hiro had already departed, the tape dispenser still rolled however as it was attached to baymax since he grabbed for a new piece.

"We gotta get you home to your charging station" Hiro announced, nervously as Baymax continued to fall.
"Can you walk?" He asked Baymax's desperately, still holding him up along with Y/N.

"I will scan you now scan complete!"

They left Baymax to try and stand, but he just fell onto his butt.
Baymax let out a sound that sounded like a burp. "-healthcare"

Big hero 7 - smart yet so dumb (Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now