1. Botfighting

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I'll be updating this once or twice a week. For now, it'll probably be once.


"I can close up" Y/N offered to her manager, wiping down a table as the last few customers gathered their things. "I don't mind"

She sighed gratefully, "thanks Y/N, I've gotta now if I want to make visiting hours"

"Tell your grandpa I said hi" Y/N smiled, waving to her as she began to leave the cafe.

"Help yourself to something on the shelf" she nodded to the sweet treats on display. "My way of saying thank you!"

"See ya Silvia!" Y/N grinned after she shut the doors and walked to her cars.
One of the reasons Y/N loved working at this particular cafe is because of her young manager, she made working fun and something to look forward to, overall, just a fun place to work at.

Once the last customers left, Y/N pulled the shutters over the windows, locked up the register before walking to the door to flip the 'open close' sign. Probably something that should of been done first but she didn't really care.

But as she walked up the glass door, the silhouette of a boy stood before it, smiling sheepishly.

Y/N flinched before realising it was Hiro, she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him as he continued to grin sheepishly.
She flipped the sign, shrugging in sorry at Hiro as it read "sorry, we're closed!"

Hiro pressed his lips together annoyedly. "Just a hot chocolate? Pleaseeee" he begged, squishing his face against the glass and bringing his hands together.

Y/N rolled hey eyes before letting him in, he grinned excitedly.
"Your aunt has a cafe of her own, why must you bug me all the time?"

"Hot chocolates taste better when they come from you" he shrugged playfully, taking a seat by one of the tables.

Y/N made herself her favourite cafe drink and Hiro his hot chocolate, bringing it to the table with a plate of cookies she took from the display.

Hiro stuffed his face greedily. "Why don't you work for Cass? It'd make hanging out a lot easier"

"One of the reasons I chose this cafe was to get away from you" She crossed her arms, Hiro pretended to be hurt.
"Anyway, Why are you here? It's getting late"

"That's what I wanted to show you!" Hiro smirked cockily, taking a piece of paper out from his pocket and sliding it over the table to Y/N.

She eyed the paper and then Hiro suspiciously before grabbing it and opening it up.

She scanned over it. "Another bot fight?" She looked up at him tiredly. "I'm not going with you"

"Please..." he begged desperately, taking the paper and stuffing it back in his pocket. "It's only five minutes away on tram!"

"No! Besides" Y/N waved off smoothly. "I have swim practise after this"

Hiro gave her a look. "Really, at eight? Hey If you're gonna lie at least make it believable"

Y/N crossed her arms skeptically and Hiro pulled his best doll eyes.
But when it didn't work, his face then fell seriously. "I'll give you some of my winnings" he said flatly.

"Deal" Y/N replied in an instant, holding her hand out for Hiro to shake.
He grinned happily, shaking her hand back.


Before Y/N knew it, there they were sitting in the lonely tram.

Apart from and angry older man that sat across from them, glaring at them meanly.
The two just fearfully stared back with an anxious smile, not daring to look away.

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