Chapter Eleven

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A/N: One of my least favorite characters is in this chapter, no doubt one of your least favorite characters (I really hope so because I can't imagine anyone liking that asshole). 

Other than that, consider yourself warned for angst... Hope you enjoy! 


"Lexa, how many times am I going to have to tell you that you can't use your hands?" Clarke quipped with an amused grin, walking over to her.

Lexa frowned and pointed at Lincoln with the hand that wasn't holding the black and white hexagonally-spotted ball, the man she gestured to standing several yards behind Clarke in front of two posts that were used as a makeshift goal. "Lincoln can use his hands." She protested.

"Yes, because he's the goalie. Only goalies can use their hands, unless the ball goes out of bounds and you have to do a throw-in. We are standing in the center of the field, far away from the logs that mark the boundary, so the ball is not out of bonds, and you are not a goalie, so the ball is definitely not supposed to be in your hands." Clarke explained again, trying not to laugh. "If you're playing in the field, you can't use your arms, and you are playing in the field."

Lexa frowned further. "I do not understand the appeal of participating in a physical activity that limits your ability to operate at full capacity. Arms are very valuable when facing an opponent."

Clarke bit her lip, trying to contain her very amused smile. "Lexa, this isn't combat training. If you hit another player, you're going to get a red card and be taken off the field." Clarke couldn't suppress the laugh that bubbled from her lips at the sight of her disgruntled girlfriend, holding a hand out. "Give me the ball."

Lexa gave her an unamused look and huffed, handing it back to her. "I am not fond of this game."

Clarke grinned with humor. "No, you're just not fond of not being perfect at something." She teased.

Her girlfriend scowled at her. "Kick the stupid ball." She grumbled, walking back over to her side of the field where Madi and Harper were having a hard time not bursting out into laughter.

The next month passed quickly. Lexa, Clarke, and Madi remained at Arkadia, able to spend more time together. The farm thrived, analysis on the death wave and the individual plants were coming along, and Skaikru and grounders from all different clans got along peacefully and were able to collaborate amicably. Jaha checked back in to say he was close to finding the bunker but would need an escort into Polis, which was where he believed the bunker would be, so ten of Lexa's warriors were sent to meet him at the border.

It wasn't until forty people arrived at the gates of Arkadia that things started to go askew. 

To the shock of everyone in Arkadia, they were residents of Farm Station. Farm Station was assumed to not have survived the crash into the Earth, but they had. Teams of trackers and scouts had been sent out over the first few weeks since arriving on the ground, but they'd found nothing and assumed that perhaps Farm Station had been thrown off course during reentry and crashed in the ocean, leaving no survivors. Turns out, the reason they didn't find them was because they searched every inch of the lands that they could enter without causing conflict, which left out Azgeda.

Farm Station had been under the control of the Ice Queen and her followers, forced into manual labor. Now that Queen Nia was dead, Roan had discovered the operation and released them without hesitation, letting them leave. The survivors of Farm Station were led by Charles Pike, who brought them through the gates. It was an amicable meeting, families reuniting and joy spreading throughout the camp.

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