Chapter Nine

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A/N: Again, this mature rating for a reason, friends. Lots of violence (among a few other things) in this chapter. Enjoy! 


Lexa ran the bath as Clarke slipped out of her clothes, the blonde walking into the bathroom afterwards to help undress her girlfriend. "We have been together for a month and you have already given me the love of my life and a daughter." Lexa quipped with a wide grin. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Clarke." She told her, leaning in to kiss her.

Clarke smiled at her once they broke apart, getting in the warm bath, Lexa following so that her back was leaning against Clarke's back. "Having to live and wanting to live are two very different things, Lexa, and you've made me want to live for the first time in a long time." She said softly, holding her against her. "I had to live to make sure the hundred survived because I was the co-leader, and I had to live to save my people from Mount Weather. When I was able to escape those responsibilities, I took my own life. When I came back, without being given much of a choice, I knew I'd once again have to live to try to save everyone. It wasn't until you stayed with me that I stopped living because I have to and started living because I want to." She whispered, pressing a kiss to the brunette's head.

Lexa rotated her head to catch Clarke's lips, kissing her softly and sweetly until their lips went numb. They had already taken a bath earlier that day and they didn't actually need to take another one, but they still stayed in for a while in the clear, warm water, holding each other.

Clarke could still feel the worries of the day troubling Lexa, the brunette obviously meticulously going over their war strategy in her head, stressing every detail. Clarke brushed the Commander's hair to the side and pressed a loving kiss on her neck, then planted a few more until she reached her shoulder. 

"Relax, Lexa." She cooed softly in her ear, the brunette then tilting her head back and allowing it to rest on the blonde's shoulder. "We can think about war tomorrow. I know you're stressed, but if you can't take a step back from the problem when you have the chance and instead work it constantly, you're going to wear yourself out." She told her gently, placing another kiss on the slope between her neck and shoulder.

Lexa sighed, wrestling with listening to Clarke's advice and planning the strategy and layout for the war. "I know you are right, but it is too hard not to think about everything going on." She murmured in return, her now closed green eyes swimming with stress and conflict but accompanied by the evident worry etched into her expression.

"I can help you relax." Clarke whispered soothingly in her ear. "Feel, don't think." She coached her gently, her hands running down the Commander's body and prompting Lexa to bite her lip and shift slightly. "Relax. Let me make you feel good." She told her softly, pressing a kiss to Lexa's neck again.

Clarke helped her over the edge and coaxed her through an orgasm without teasing her enough to frustrate her, whispering in her ear and telling her that she loved her, that she was safe, and that she could relax and let herself get release, being more gentle to help her let go of the stress in her mind and body and bring her some peace. Lexa slumped against her after tilting her head back and murmuring Clarke's name as she came. She let her muscles relax and her mind quiet, focusing on the lingering euphoria and the warm body behind her, Clarke moving her arms to hold Lexa after she'd eased her down from her high.

"Ai hod yu in, Lexa." Clarke whispered sweetly in her ear, tracing idle patterns on the brunette's toned midsection as the Commander steadied her breathing into a rhythmic pattern.

"I love you too, Clarke." Lexa mumbled back, her closed eyes fluttering open and a small, serene smile lifted at her lips. "Thank you." She breathed out, feeling more relaxed than she had for the entire stressful day.

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