Chapter Two

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Kane jogged up to the gates just then. "Put your weapons down and open the gate!" He ordered, the guards quickly doing as he said. The gate opened and he waved them through, the Chancellor rushing up to Lexa and Clarke as they stopped their horses inside the fence.

People stopped and stared, shell-shocked by the presence of the Commander in their camp. "We were attacked and she got hurt; she's bleeding badly and fading in and out of consciousness." Lexa told him in a hurry.

"Someone get Abby; let her know her daughter is here and to prep for medical attention!" He ordered the guard closest to him, who nodded and sprinted off. His eyes and expression swam with grave worry as Lexa gathered Clarke in her arms, sliding off of her horse. She cradled Clarke in her arms, the blonde now fully unconscious and pale. Kane briefly greeted Indra and the two jogged after Lexa, who was rushing towards the door to the large, oddly shaped structure she'd never been inside of.

Kane managed to get ahead of Lexa, ushering her towards the med bay. People cleared a path for them, shocked eyes following Clarke's unconscious body. Kane burst into the med bay with Lexa on his heels.

"Oh my god, Clarke..." Abby gasped, kicking herself into gear a moment later. "Put her here." She told Lexa, pointing at a cot. The rest of the patients not in need of immediate attention cleared out upon the Chancellor's orders.

Things happened in a blur; Abby taking off her shirt but leaving her jeans on and slipping a hospital gown over her with Jackson's help, laying her on her stomach before cutting through her sports bra, which was quite literally hanging on by a thread, the two doctors getting blood for her, treating her wounds, and stitching them up.

Lexa, Indra, and Gaia stood there the entire time without moving, eyes trained on Clarke with an intensity that baffled Kane, who waited around too. Thankfully, he seemed to understand that they weren't in a talking mood, so he didn't press. Abby would have if she wasn't so focused on fixing her daughter. Lexa focused on the sound of Clarke's steady heartbeat as Abby finished treating her wounds.

As soon as she was done, she turned to the three grounder women with narrowed eyes and a set jaw. "What the hell happened?" She demanded.

"We were attacked." Lexa offered, her tone neutral.

"By what?" She further questioned expectantly. "Because I've never seen a wound like that in my life."

Lexa pursed her lips, not knowing how to approach this. She exchanged a glance with Indra and Gaia, silently agreeing not to say anything. It was Clarke's to tell, and they wouldn't tell a single soul if Clarke didn't blatantly ask them to. "I believe it would be best if that comes from Clarke." She answered calmly.

Abby looked at her with a mixture of irritation and exasperation. She hadn't forgotten how the Commander had abandoned them at Mount Weather. She hadn't forgotten that it forced Clarke to kill all of those people, and that she'd been so haunted by what she'd done that she'd left without even saying goodbye.

Abby pinched her nose impatiently, but she thankfully moved on. "Has she been with you all this time?" She questioned, her tone accusing. Lexa didn't mind. Abby was a mother who hadn't seen or heard from her daughter in five months, and the first time she sees Clarke again is when the Commander of a grounder army that betrayed them delivers her with horrific wounds and blood loss.

She shook her head. "No. I found her a few hours ago."

"So you were looking for her?" The doctor asked suspiciously.

Lexa nodded. "Yes. Clarke is very well known among the twelve clans for what she did at Mount Weather."

Indra picked up where she left off. "Clarke is a symbol. She's known as Wanheda; the Commander of Death. Some of our people believe that killing the Commander of Death will give you her power." Kane and Abby exchanged horrified looks.

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