Chapter Seven

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A/N: And the rollercoaster continues! A much needed conversation between Lexa and Abby, an introduction to Clexa's child, and another disastrous threat. They just can't get a break, can they? 

There are fourteen chapters to this fic, so this is the halfway mark. All of the chapters are already written, but I'm going through and editing them, which takes a hot minute because they're long as hell and I'm meticulous. I also have unfun college things to do that get in the way, but, since this is already written, you don't have to worry about periods of time of waiting. I should have everything up by tomorrow. Enjoy! 


Raven, Jackson, Abby, and two other doctors in training entered the wooden building. "We thought you could use some medical assistance." Jackson offered to the ambassador, who was standing close to the door, all of the Skaikru members carrying bags stocked with supplies.

The ambassador, mildly surprised by their presence and offered assistance, nodded and thanked them, showing them to the patients. Abby stopped, however, scanning the room. "Where's my daughter?" She asked her team, all of them looking around the crowded room.

When Raven spotted her friends at the far end of the room, she pointed in that direction. "I'm betting she's over there." The mechanic answered the woman, who nodded and briskly walked towards the other side of the room, Raven trailing behind her.

It didn't occur to them that Clarke would be the one in the bed.

Abby dropped her bags at the foot of the bed, and Gaia, Indra, and Madi stepped back to give her room as the mother rushed over to her daughter. Abby's presence finally shook Lexa from her daze, the Commander reluctantly withdrawing from Clarke so her mother could get a good look at her. Lexa abruptly stood, needing some air. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

Abby looked expectantly at the people crowded somberly around Clarke. "What happened?" She demanded in a panic. Raven was frozen at the foot of the bed, eyes wide and her lips parted in shock. "And what is this stuff?" Abby added in bafflement, looking at the black pulsing orb and the dark tendrils emanating from it.

Bellamy spoke up for them, the others clearly unable to answer. "We don't know." He responded, apologetic that he couldn't give her a better answer.

Gaia stepped in. "She used her powers today to a degree none of us, including her, thought she was capable of. She took down two-thirds of the Azgeda army on her own."

"What? I- I thought she could only save people?" Abby said with wide eyes, her head whipping towards Gaia in confusion and shock.

"We thought so too." Miller agreed, pursing his lips as he recalled how shocked everyone had been when Clarke had turned into a seemingly otherworldly being.

Harper added to his statement. "Her eyes turned completely black and this sort of darkness emanated from her, and she could do things that are way far beyond my ability to comprehend."

"It was... unlike anything I have ever seen..." Indra said slowly. "She is far more powerful than we initially assumed."

"What triggered it?" Raven asked, finally finding her voice. "The last time she looked like what you described, it was because she was angry and freaked out."

"Azgeda warriors surrounded Lexa and they forced her to her knees. They were about to kill her, and Clarke just... snapped." Bellamy answered with a shrug.

"She took all of them out in a matter of seconds." Miller supplied. He'd be more impressed if he wasn't so worried.

"She saved me."

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