Chapter Ten

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People gasped in the crowd at Arkadia when the Grim suddenly appeared and sliced through Clarke's abdomen. They had thought it was over. They thought it was done, and Clarke was okay. They had relaxed too soon. Madi screamed and Abby shot up. "Jackson!" She yelled, her heart beating out of her chest, the man immediately rushing over to her.

He knew without Abby having to clarify, and the two immediately ran to the med bay to get supplies. Ten grounders that had trained over the course of the past three weeks with them had gone with the warriors to Azgeda with the proper supplies, but they needed to get there.

Thankfully, while Polis was on the very east coast of Trikru territory bordering Floukru, which meant it took many hours to reach Azgeda, Arkadia was southwest of Polis and nearly bordering Azgeda, the battle being fought in the very bottom right corner of Ice Nation territory just north of the Sky People. Therefore, the rover would get them there in less than an hour at top speed. They just hoped it would be quick enough.

Raven, Bellamy, and Miller met them outside of the med bay. "I'll drive." Bellamy quickly announced. Abby didn't protest, all of them helping the two doctors with supplies, rushing to the rover that was already waiting. They jumped in and sped off, driving at top speed to get to Clarke. 

Clarke's blue eyes had returned, meeting Lexa's, the girl's green eyes filling with tears. She held Clarke in her lap as the warriors fought off the Grim, the ghastly creature overpowered due to all of the death around them. "You are going to be okay." Lexa repeated with a shaky voice, putting pressure on Clarke's bleeding abdomen. She tore the blonde's shirt so that it was essentially a very small crop top, the gashes large and deep. She put pressure on the expansive wound with the fabric of Clarke's shirt.

The wound was diagonal across Clarke's abdomen, spanning from her bottom ribs on her right side all the way down to her left hip bone. They knew the Grim would appear, but they hadn't expected it to be so abruptly and without warning.

Clarke coughed up more blood before gathering the ability to speak. "If I don't make it-"

"No." Lexa interjected, shaking her head adamantly, tears pricking at her eyes but not falling. "No, you are going to be okay."

"Lexa." Clarke breathed out, raising a blood-soaked, shaky hand to the brunette's cheek. "I'm not saying I won't make it, but I'd rather you make a promise to me now than the possibility of losing that chance." She explained with labored breaths. "Just, if I don't..." Lexa squeezed her eyes shut, her body trembling. "Promise me that you'll take care of yourself, and that you'll take care Madi." She said pleadingly.

"Clarke..." Lexa croaked, leaning into the blonde's touch. "You can't leave me." She begged.

"Lexa." Clarke breathed out, prompting the brunette to open her bleary green eyes, giving Lexa a meaningful look. "Promise me."

Lexa nodded. "I- yes. But- but you're not going. You can't." She protested in a panic.

Clarke coughed, her body jerking. She turned her head to the side, spitting out more blood before letting her head roll back so she could meet Lexa's eyes. "I won't. Not willingly." She was too weak to hold her hand up, the limb dropping uselessly to the ground. "I'll make it through." She supplied quietly. "I promise to fight. I... I can do it." She told Lexa firmly, trying to convince herself of what she was saying.

It took sixty-five warriors to fend off the grim until it gave up and left. Two healers, as well as Octavia and Lincoln, rushed forward, all of the warriors taking a few steps back to give them space. Lexa moved so that the doctors could work, resting Clarke's head in her lap.

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