Chapter Five

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A/N: To all of you Clexa starved fans, let's just say that this is probably the chapter you've been waiting for... Again, this fic is Mature for a reason! 


Clarke woke up to the sound of a bang in the hallway, the morning sunlight streaming through her window, and she cursed whoever had clearly dropped something too heavy to carry and pulled her from sleep so brutally.

With her head still tucked under Lexa's chin, she smiled idly, her cheek against Lexa's warm skin. She listened to her even breathing and steady heartbeat, and it nearly soothed her back to sleep when Lexa's breathing and heart rate changed, signaling that the brunette had woken up. However, Lexa didn't move or give any further indication that she had woken up yet, and Clarke's smile widened, knowing that Lexa was pretending to be asleep and failing at it.

She let it go on for about a minute before speaking. "I know you're awake." Clarke teased, her voice drowsy.

"No, I am not." Lexa muttered back with a twinge of humor that curled at her lips.

"We've got a busy day ahead of us, Commander. Otherwise, I'd gladly believe you and go back to sleep." Clarke murmured with a grin.

Lexa groaned, shifting slightly. "I signed up for fighting wars and delegating the clans, not waking up early." She paused, amending her statement. "Actually, I did not sign up for this at all, so this is not fair."

"Life isn't fair." She patted Lexa where her hand was resting on her collarbone. "Come on, Heda. If we don't get up now, we won't get up at all." She slowly extracted herself with a yawn. The blonde now sitting up, she looked at Lexa, who was still laying down with her eyes closed in defiance. A mischievous grin spread on Clarke's lips.

Lexa's eyes flew wide open and her body jerked when Clarke's nimble fingers attacked her abdomen, tickling her. The brunette shot up, trying to escape the blonde's merciless tickling. "Clarke- ah- stop!" She exclaimed through bubbles of laughter, trying to swat away her hands. Clarke only smirked, cornering Lexa against the headboard of the bed, and the brunette attempted to pull her knees to her chest and block her abdomen. "Clarke!" She choked out through peals of laughter, the blonde having quickly moved closer to still be able to tickle her. "Ah- no- Clarke- ah!" She protested in a shrill voice, unable to breathe from laughing so much, her abdominal muscles aching from tensing so much.

The blonde didn't relent, and Lexa quickly pounced, lurching forward to knock Clarke on her back, her hands gripping Clarke's wrists and holding them down against the bed on either side of Clarke's head and straddling her. Clarke was still smirking, Lexa's chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "Damn you... Clarke Griffin." She sputtered out in between gasps for breath, unable to suppress the wide grin playing on her lips.

A sudden moment of realization hit Lexa as she registered what position they were in, her eyes fluttering as she swallowed hard. Her grip on Clarke's wrists loosened slightly but still held tight, pinning them down so that Clarke was helplessly lying under her. The blonde had clearly come to the same realization by now, sucking in a sharp breath as her smirk dropped entirely. Her pupils dilated as she blinked through her eyelashes at Lexa, locked in a gaze.

Lexa unconsciously darted her tongue out to wet her lips, her eyes scanning Clarke's body as heat pooled deep in her. Clarke held her breath as she watched Lexa looking her up and down, waiting to see what she would do. She wanted desperately to kiss her, to tear her clothes off of her and fuck her. Those desires were quickly chased by shame, but they refused to be silenced.

Lexa suddenly snapped out of it, releasing Clarke's wrists and raising off of the blonde, rolling slightly to the side to allow the blonde to sit up. Clarke couldn't hide the disappointment she felt, so it was a good thing that Lexa had averted her eyes. This was absolute, utter torture. Lexa didn't turn her head to meet Clarke's eyes, but the blonde noted the pink tint in her cheeks. "I will leave you to get dressed." She said softly, standing up.

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