|Chapter 5|

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Omen took y/n to the balcony and watched the stars glow with the moon

"its beautiful" y/n looks amazed by the night city view and the stars "it is!" Omen said loudly as he has never been alone with y/n before. he never knew how to act around y/n and always hid or vanish somewhere. she made him nervous

"uh i'll go get some drinks!" Omen said and ran down the stairs leaving y/n waiting for him

'hes acting weird again' y/n mumbled and chuckled when she remembers Omen's nervous ass face.

she heard footsteps. she wasn't expecting Omen to be back so soon, she turned around and saw Cypher

"Oh! Cypher?" her heart suddenly started to beat faster than normal "were you expecting someone else?" he asked and smiled

"yeah actually, Omen." she was fine that Cypher was there and didnt really think of Omen at the time. 

Omen was downstairs and saw Harbor making that "hehe face" at him 

"i dont like that face.." Omen said and Harbor laughed "so how was your time with y/n?" he was of course excited to know about everything. 

he kept poking Omen's shoulder for an answer "Hey! will you stop that..?" Omen got annoyed "c'mon! tell me" Harbor begged but Omen didnt answer 

"you know that everyone knows you like her, right??" Harbor teased him and Omen looked back at him a little flustered "Huh??" Omen questioned in confusion.

it was quite obvious for everyone, the way he acts and blushes at y/n and the way he just hides or runs away from y/n. it was a good thing she really wasn't noticing but a part of Omen really wanted her to notice.

"dude, everyone knows!" Harbor exclaimed and laughs at Omen Flustered face.

'was i that obvious? that everyone in VP knows? im lucky she doesn't notice' he thought to himself. "i have to go" Omen left and Harbor waved goodbye as he goes back to the lounge while Yoru is dancing?

Omen walks up the stairs, seeing y/n with Cypher. he couldn't help but feel angry and sad, it was suppose to be just the two of them

"Cypher what are you doing here??" Omen asks him trying not to shout "ah, Omen your here. i was just telling y/n something" 

he walked towards the side of Omen as he leaves "shes all yours" he whispered beside Omen ear and left.

He had a bad feeling towards Cypher

|Y/n x Omen!| "i wanna be yours"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora