|Chapter 2|

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Omen walked a little more with Harbor as they reached the lounge, seing y/n. Omen immediately hid himself behind Harbor. Harbor had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Hey! y/n!" y/n quickly turned her attention to Harbor. Omen pinches him harshly on his back, making Harbor twitch in pain.

"Oh, Harbor, do you need something?" y/n asked with a smile and it made Omen blush behind Harbor "yeah, omen asked if you wanted to paint with him" 

Omen quickly flinched, Almost having a heart attack from what he heard. 
"Yeah, i'd love to" y/n replied to Omen's or rather, Harbors request

"Great! he'll meet you in his room in a few minutes" y/n nodded at his statement and smiled going back in the lounge

"what the fuck was that, Harbor?!" Omen asked, shouting in whisper "i set the two of you up! isn't it great!" Harbor asked excitedly and as soon as later Cypher heard about it as well.


Omen is patiently waiting for y/n to knock or appear in in his room. as he thought about that a few more minutes later y/n has appeared inside of his room.

"hi Omen!" he cheeringly greeted him "hello to you to" he said with a happy tone and she smiled. "its odd you asked me to paint with you but i do need to to tell you something"

Omen got nervous as a shiver went up his spine "go ahead, y/n" he said and stuttered a little

 "so i shared this with with Reyna and Neon so i thought since we've been friends for a long time, im going to share it with you as well" 

Omen got really nervous of what she would tell her despite his feeling for her. "dont tell anyone" he said and he nodded "i kinda like this guy and its Cypher" Omen got crushed as he heard his friends name

"Cypher? how...come?" y/n thought about his question before answering 'is he fine? he looks a little down..' she thought to her self and looked at him "well he's really nice, sweet and i love his intimidating personality yet so sweet and soft inside" 

Omen looked at the floor 'am i not sweet or nice? dont i have a good personality? why does it have to be him' he thought to him self, sighing  

"lets finish this tomorrow, im quite tired and its late as well, and you should rest too" he sounded off as he spoke, walking y/n out his room "are you okey, Omen? im always here if you wanna talk"

He blushed but took it back "yeah im fine, thanks" he closed the door.

'theres something off about him today' y/n thought to her and went to her shared room with Reyna

"hey Reyna!" y/n shouted making Reyna complain "what?" she said furrowing her eyebrows "its something wrong with omen? he seems off when i mentioned Cypher" Reyna quickly stood up "oh.. eh his fine, let him be and dont be such a worrywart y/n" Reyna has reassured her and they went to bed.

y/n still thinks in her thought, preventing her to sleep 'is he? really fine?' she said those last words and drifted to sleep

Omen on the other hand cant sleep at all "please- tell me i heard the wrong sentence' he denies what y/n has shared with him. he stared at the picture he took with y/n at their very first day five years ago

"maybe i just wanna be yours."

|Y/n x Omen!| "i wanna be yours"Where stories live. Discover now