Despite the look, Quebec sat on top of the desk and sighed. "If anything, he'd give you hell if he eventually hears you've been working on everything by yourself and you know it" 

I shrunk a little in the chair as I noticed she was right. She didn't stop there though. "And besides, he only did it because he had experience and knew how to work around things, I don't doubt he needed help in the beginning either" 

I shrunk even further as she continued to make valid points. 

"So, I say you stop for today, Let yourself calm down" Her bright smile returned as she stole the pen out of my hand before sliding off of the desk. 

I didn't say anything as she walked over to the coffee maker and pulled out two mugs. 

"The last thing this fleet needs is another leader put out of commission" Quebec continued as the machine started to hum with one of the mugs beneath it. "And when they find out the reason you're out of commission is because of your disregard for a break, they'll be pretty embarrassed don't you think?"

I continued to stay silent behind the desk, only nodding in acknowledgement while my head shrunk in embarrassment ever so slightly. 

Quebec finished up with the second cup and soon brought both mugs back over before placing one in front of me. She then put the second one down in front of herself before pulling a chair over to change the subject. 

"I've been hearing the new technology the Monarchy is developing will put us ahead in terms of advancement and power. What about you?" 

"I've heard small things here and there, what is it exactly?" I soon shook off the embarrassment and stared at the dark liquid within the cup while I answered her.

"Well it's a plethora of things really. . ." Quebec took a sip of her coffee before continuing. "I never heard what exactly, only that the technology is all military. Supposedly they're unlike anything warfare has seen, And the reason they've decided to refit Bonnie is to equip her with some of it"

"That. . . doesn't sound like us. What's with the change of pace?" 

Quebec shrugged before answering. "The battlefield is always evolving, if we don't modernize we'll be left behind struggling. Still I agree with you, It's unusual for the Monarchy to go so far"

A brief silence ensued as Quebec and I took sips from our own cups while we both thought of what else could be said. 

Soon I let out a sigh and placed the cup back on the desk before resting my chin in the palm of my hand. "Why the heck did he even assign me the position of second at all back then? You would have been a much better candidate" 

As I said that, Quebec snorted as she still held the mug to her lips. To my surprise, she continued to chuckle even after she lowered it and wiped her face. 

"Whats so funny?" 

"Oh nothing, nothing" She continued to wipe herself off and check her clothes as she placed the mug down in front of me. "What makes you say that?"

"Well it's just you had been with him longer than I have, and you had more experience. I was practically brand new" 

"Well sure I'm a little older than you, but I had only been with him a total of two months before you arrived" She continued to chuckle. "You and that soldier attitude of yours" 

"Ugh. . ."

"HMCS Ontario reporting for duty commander!" She then saluted as she imitated my actions while laughing. I covered my face to try and hide the embarrassment. "Every move was so precise and I can still remember how sharp that salute was. Yet still, you had the most bored look on your face it was hilarious" 

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