4 : || Departure For Hastinapur ||

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"Yeah, they were Pandavas. Their mother, Rajmata Kunti was performing a puja in their hut and hence didn't knew anything about her sons arrival at the hut or about my daughter too."

"When Rajkumar Nakul asked her to see what Rajkumar Arjun has brought, she uttered those sinful words." She chocked at her words, thinking how her daughter's life has got miserable in just few hours. In just few words.

"Sinful words ? Please be clear, Maharani." Vidur asked, he was now scared.

"Yes, she uttered those sinful words, ruining my daughter's life in just a second." Drupad stated in a cold emotionless voice.

He hated the moment when the Queen Mother of Hastinapur said those words. He hated that Queen Mother from then, for ruining his precious daughter's life just like that. He hated his sons-in-law for supporting their mother. He hated that Arjun who kept quite all the time, when his would be wife was said to marry to his brothers also along with him.

"What exactly happened, Maharaj, that you are looking so furious ?" Vidur asked cautiously, though he dreaded that something dreadful happened.

"I am in no mood to state that, Maha Mantri.... Maharani, please enlighten the Minister of Hastinapur about the deeds of his family." Drupad said, he couldn't keep his calmness more.

Prishati nodded at her husband and gazed at Vidur before continuing, "Rajmata Kunti ordered her sons to divide my daughter among them."

"What !" Vidur audibly gasped, hearing such from the Queen of Panchal.

"Yes, Maha Mantri. My daughter was so furious that she screamed at them so much. I could see in her eyes that she was helpless, she was trying to be practical. She even stated that she won't marry them. Not even Arjun."

"So, the wedding didn't take place ?" Vidur asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Drupad snickered in a sarcastic way, "If that was possible Maha Mantri, then the situation would have been different now."

"Please be calm, Maharaj. I am stating, right ?" Prishati tried to calm her husband.

"No Maha Mantri. The wedding happened but with all of them. Actually Vasudev Krishna and Rajkumar Aryan of Saurashtra arrived at the spot soon after. They tackled the situation well which meant Krishna stating that the wedding was pre decided and it was necessary for the future."

"Whereas Rajkumar Aryan was so of another kind, like the way he said some things to Panchali, it sounded like he threatened her about something. He was telling like she was bound with some promises and all that she made 13 years ago. It was something like that only. We were all confused hearing him and was more confused and suspicious, also we were shocked to the core when Panchali agreed for the wedding."

"Bound with promise ?" Vidur asked getting flashbacks from the time when Aryan said or more like threatened as per the Queen of Panchal, in Hastinapur when the Princess visited for the first time there.

"Yeah, we couldn't understand anything at that moment. We decided to ask them later and when we did in yesterday evening, Aryan hesitated to answer whereas Panchali gave us a cold reply that she doesn't think to give us any clarification. Hearing both of them, we didn't brag anymore."

There was a silent after Prishati completed reciting everything to Vidur. They were sitting in the private discussion room of the palace.

"Where is Princess Draupadi ?" Vidur asked formally.

"She was supposed to spent yesternight in her room along with the five princes. Maybe she is getting ready for the day." Prishati replied.

"Oh !" Was all Vidur could say. That was an unexpected shock for him but as per the Oracle two years ago, it had to happen.

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