Chapter 2 - Another one joins

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Chapter 2: Another one joins
Written by (T.D.S) co created by (D.A.H)

On a cruise ship not too far out from Genro Island there's a stowaway hiding aboard on the roof.

Kal: (laying there) Fresh air....... To bad it's boring traveling like this. (he jumps up) I probably got another day or two before I reach sunset city. Hmmmm new life and I can finally have a big bean bun burger. Yeah definitely a big bean bun burger. (he starts to drool and day dream)

Back at the island

King Golki: What the hell was that!? (he looks outside to see dust falling from the sky) H-h-h how did that happen? (he stares in shock)

Yumi: (runs out the village checking if everyone is okay after that massive earthquake) Is everyone okay?

Some citizens: (get up from some rubble) Yea I think —  The village is a mess..... My child is barely breathing!

Yumi: (runs deeper in town until she sees the center and the crystal is cracked) Oh my God nothing could do that......(she notices a shard of the moon stone)This is not good...(she picks it up and looks at the force field get hit by the dust as it waivers) where are you Lydia?

Meanwhile not to far away from the village

Lydia: (jumps from a tree branch to another) So tell me, what it's like being a pirate? (she turns around walking backwards on the branch before she jumps off it)

Gildarts: (looks at her with a twisted smile) It's fun no rules, no one to tell you what to do.....(his smile gets bigger and more eviler looking) just chaos.  Sure there are those who try to bring order to the sea, but that (He pauses)  Well that's impossible to do;  order never existed in the sea, so why would it now? (he clinches his fist)

Kraven: Right, (he pops his neck) what my father is trying to say is there are no rules for the powerful!

Lydia: (jumps in front of him) Really!! That sounds so cool! No nagging dads. ( she turns around) It must be nice ... (she looks up seeing the village on top of a hill) Oh there it is, that's my home.... WOW you had that much power to disrupt the force Field.... Almost like you hit it....

Crewmate 1: Damn

Lydia: Right..(she rubbed her head) you got a lot of power there Mr....(she starts to think) Wait what your names again?

Gildarts: I'm Gildarts, that my son kraven, Jesse, Kodak, and luke. And what might your name be?

Lydia: Oh right! (she turns) I'm Lydia the princess of the Moonaka people! (she smiles)

Everyone eyes start to widened, then their faces  gain twisted smiles

Lydia:  What? Why are you guys  smiling at me like that? (she starts to get nervous)

Gildarts: Because, we have a princess in our presence (he grabs her by the arm) meaning you have a connection to the moon stone. (his eyes start to glow)

Lydia: Hey! Let go of me! (he trys to pull her arm back)

Gildarts: Kraven! break down the force field for me!

Kraven: Finally (his grin gets bigger)

Gildarts:  Remeber!  Do not kill anyone, or I will have your head!

Kraven: But we can keep the princess as our own and kill the rest!

Gildarts: Yes it's great that we have her, but she has a connection to it meaning she will be able to use the full power of it while we are near it which would sooner or later force us to kill her making the stone useless.

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