05 Crystal Cavern Part 2

Start from the beginning

Rouge simply shakes her head. "I don't know. I only know we've been following the source of cold air but it somehow keeps bringing us back here."

"We've been walking for over twenty minutes and you're just now telling me this?" Shadow yells as he slams his fist against the wall, clearly irritated about this. If she known about this, then why hasn't she said anything before?

"I've been trying to tell you but you kept ignoring me, stupid!" Rouge yells right back at him. She doesn't normally call him those types of names unless he really asks for it.

Shadow lets out a deep breath and rests his back against the wall, closing his eyes. He's trying to not let himself get more frustrated than he already is. 'That idiot had to let himself get caught...!'

"We'll take a moment to catch our breath, Rouge. Walking blindly isn't doing anything to help."

"Alright." Rouge takes a second to calm down before she finds a boulder to sit on. She lets out a breath and taps on her earpiece, trying to see if it still works but all she's getting is some static, not enough for it to be annoying but just enough for it to tell her there's still some battery life in it. "And sorry for calling you that, hun."

Shadow sits himself down against the wall and leans his head back, resting his eyes. "I was being stupid so don't worry about it."

A faint smile reaches her lips as she rests her eyes as well. "This isn't so bad of a date, huh?" Rouge lets out a chuckle, knowing that Shadow had finally calmed down.

"...shut up."

He only hears another chuckle from his partner which makes him shake his head and a faint smile reaches his lips. She and Omega are the only ones that he will admit who bring a smile to his face and that's because of the relationship the three of them share.

Crystal Cavern 7:05 p.m.

"I'm not... your pet!" Sonic spits out as he brings both hands up, one digging into the fingers trying to pry them from his throat as the other grabs the wrist, squeezing it to let him go.

Mephiles releases the younger's throat, feeling the hand on his wrist tighten its grip. He looks to the hand, feeling an unusual warmth spread around that area before he looks back at the hero, studying his eyes. Although there's a twinge of uncomfortableness in them, which he had mistaken for fear earlier, he can see a fire in the green eyes, a look of determination which brings a smile to Mephiles' mouthless muzzle. "Oh, you are indeed going to be a treat for me."

Confusion makes it's way on Sonic's features as his free hand is suddenly caught in his enemy's. Still, he keeps his focus on those dangerous eyes in front of him. "Sorry, but I have... better places to be." He tries to yank his captured hand out of the other's grip but doesn't let go of Mephile's wrist. Who knows what would happen if Mephiles has both hands freed.

Mephiles digs his crystalized fingers into the soft wrist, making the hero wince a bit as he touches his forehead against the younger, holding the other's gaze. "Now, what kind of master would I be if I let my new pet go all of the sudden?"

Everything about that makes Sonic's blood boil. He temporarily forgets that he has broken ribs as he brings his knee up and digs it into the other's stomach with enough force to make the Mephiles let go of him before he clenches his fist and punches the entity back towards his seat. "I said I'm not... your pet!"

Chuckles echo through the cave before they turn into howling laughter. Sonic can feel the quills on the back of his neck rise from the sound and he absolutely hates it. It's unsettling. Even so, he's not going to back down from this creep. "What's so funny?"

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