Chapter 26: Ending

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                             2 Weeks Later  
Eddie laid on my chest.

The chest where the evil is brewing.

I feel it so much now. It's scaring me.

I want to talk to Joyce. How did she help Will.

I slightly push Eddie off of me. I throw on a shirt and exit my apartment.

I walk to my car and being to drive to Hoppers cabin.

The ride was long and quiet but I eventually got to the cabin.

I knocked on their door.

Joyce opened the door.

"Astrin! How are you?" She said sweetly.

"I'm good, I just have some questions."

"Come in." She said and gestured towards her couch.

I sat on her couch next to her.

"Ask away." She said.

"I need help. How did you help Will? You know, when he wasn't himself." I asked.

"Well... Do you think you have the same problem he did?"

"Yes. I feel evil. I feel it in my chest. It gets stronger every single day. I don't know how to make it stop so I decided to come to you." I told her.

"Well, If you want to get rid of it. I have to burn it out of you. See this evil that was once in Will, It doesn't like heat. So if we make it hot it makes your body uninhabitable." She stated.

"Let's do it." I said. "I can't take this anymore."

"Call whoever is willing to help. We are gonna need it." She said.

I ran over to the phone. I called everybody.

Nancy, Steve and Robin are going to be going to my place so we can do it.

Me and Joyce drove quickly to my place.

I walked through my door and Eddie was sitting in the couch.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Not now. We have company." I said as Joyce came in.

"Do you left to get her? Why didn't you wake me?" He asked concerned.

"I'm trying to fix myself Eddie ask questions later." I said.

"Why did you let me worry?" He said raising his voice a little bit.

I was about to say something but Nancy, Steve and Robin came in. Holy Shit, They brought like 30 heaters.

"We need rope." Joyce said.

"What the hell is going on?" Eddie said with his voice still raised.

"I'm fixing myself Eddie!"

Joyce grabbed the rope out from my car. I keep it for "emergencies".

I laid down on my bed. They tied rope around me and my bed post.

"This is insane." Eddie complained.

"Leave the room Eddie." Joyce said. "You don't want to see this."

He stepped out the room and shut the door.

Everyone turned on the heaters.

It took not even 5 minutes before the room started to get hot.

I felt it slowly travel out of me.

"It's working." Nancy said looking at my black veins.

Suddenly the heat became to much. It was burning me. It hurt.

My back started to arch from the pain and my skin was soaked with sweat.

"It hurts!" I screamed.

Joyce approached me. "It's working honey."

"It's burning me! Make it stop! Make it stop!" I screamed.

Eddie threw the door open.

The darkness was coming up through my throat. It began pouring out my mouth and into the air.

It busted through my window and into the sky.

Eddie immediately ran to me and untied me.

"Eddie... I'm not evil anymore." I said into his ear as he picked me up. "I'm not evil."

I'm not evil.

I'm thinking about adding Astrin May and her ability (I might even give her more) to The Walking Dead Universe.
Lmk if you wanna see that.

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