Chapter 16: The Worse Vision

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Me and Eddie began to doze off but then I heard it.





I immediately opened my eyes to stop the vision but it didnt work. Everything was black. I looked around. Nothing for what felt like miles.

"Why is this happening?!" I screamed out. All the water around me flew back.

"Honey stop screaming." I heard her say.

I immediately turned my head to look at her. Mom. "Why are you here?" I said to her.

She looked at me confused "Honey... What kind of question is that? I'm your mom. I'm always going to be here." She said to me.

"No mom. You died. Why are you here?" I began to sob and walk closer to her.

"Sweetie I'm always going to be with you." She said as she fixed my hair.

"No!" I screamed at her.

"Honey...Why are you yelling at me?" She asked calmly.

"She's not here" I kept repeating.

"Honey..." She began to say but I cut her off.

"She's not here!" I screamed. Her body faded away into dust.

" mom? Mom? Mom!" I screamed touching around where she used to be. "Why are you doing this to me!?" I called out sobbing.

The water on the ground began to raise. It formed into a doorway. The doorway began to fog up and not be clear anymore. I immediately walked through the doorway. It was fog. Fog everywhere.

I looked around confusedly. The fog began to turn red. I watched as it all floated to my left. "Astrin..." I heard. I swung my head around to see what was happening. As soon as I did I flew back. I felt as if I was flying into nothing just empty black and fog.

I suddenly felt my back press against something causing my eyes to squeeze shut. When I opened my eyes Vecna was there. In front of me. My arms got tied up. I felt the vines crawl onto my ankles. I looked up into Vecnas eyes "Why are you doing this?" I said to him.

"Astrin, You need to know the truth!" He yelled towards me.

"What truth?!" I yelled back.

"Let me show you..." He whispered in my ear.

"No." I said to his face. "I'm not letting you show me anything!"

I felt my surroundings change right after I said that. I was in my old home. I was standing right by the front door. My mom barged in and walked to my older sister. She was about 16 at the time. I also wasn't born yet.

"Allie! Guess what!" She said looking at my sister.

My sister walked over to my mom "What?" She asked her.

"I got the job. It's in Hawkins so it will be a longer drive to work and back but it pays really well." She said to my sister.

Get out of my head.

"Get out of my head!" I yelled. Everything started to fade back to black. I looked around seeing nothing. "Why..." I whispered. I felt something walking behind me come closer and closer to me.

It grabbed onto me and covered my mouth. It pulled me with it. I don't remember what happened next. Everything was just black. But I woke up. Not with Eddie though. I was in his trailer. "Eddie!" I called out. I turned to look at the gate.

"He's not here..." A deep voice. I immediately knew who it was. Vecna. I immediately turned around.

"Where is he?!" I yelled at Vecna. He looked at me confused.

"Stop yelling." He said angrily.

"What did you do with him!" I yelled at him. I felt my body fly back into the wall behind me.

"Astrin..." My mom said as she walked out Eddies room.

"Both of you need to leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Astrin just let me show you!" Vecna said angrily.

"No! No! No!" I yelled at him.

"Astrin Harley May!" My mom yelled at me. I looked at her with pure disgust. "That is no way to talk to your parents." She yelled.

"Parent. Not plural." I corrected her.

"No Astrin! I know what I said! We are your parents!" She yelled at me.

My eye's immediately started to tear up. No. He's not my dad. There's no way!

"Astrin...Let me show you." He said to me.

I looked up to him "okay..." I said. He put his hand right above my head. I saw my mom going to work. I saw her meeting this guy with blonde hair. He showed me them getting closer and closer. Suddenly I saw a positive pregnancy test. I saw me a couple years old. I saw a man with blonde hair raising me. I don't remember this though. I don't remember any of it.

I saw the man go crazy. I watched Eleven kill him. He showed my mom walking in and seeing kids dead. He showed her screaming and looking for me. She took me and left as quick as she could. Never returning.

That wasn't it though. It showed the man who I think is my dad falling and getting burnt. It showed him turning into the man in front of me now.

Vecna stopped the vision. I looked at him. "Dad?" I said.

"Yes..." He said quietly.

"No! Get me out of here!" I yelled.

"Calm do-"

"No! Get me out! Get me out!" I screamed.

I suddenly woke up. Everyone was surrounded me. Eddie, Robin, Nancy, Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Erica. I felt tears come to my eyes causing me to latch on to Eddie. He helped sit me up but kept holding on to me.

"Astrin seriously what's going on?" Steve asked.

"He finally got to show me what's he's been trying to for a long time." I said catching my breath.

I looked up to them. "How did you get here?" I questioned.

"Eddie called us. You were in a trance for almost a hour Astrin."

"What?" I questioned. Surely it wasn't that long.

"What did he show you Astrin." Dustin asked me.

I gulped and sat up even more. "He showed me alot. He showed me my mom getting a job at Hawkins lab almost a year before I was born . He showed me my mom finding out she was pregnant with me. He showed me my dad raising me then my dad leaving." I said.

They all looked at me. "Why would he show you that." Dustin questioned.

"Because the man raising me... Was him..." I said.

Max gasped. "So wait... Vecnas your dad?!" She questioned.

I looked to her. "I think so..."

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