Chapter 3: Hey Eddie

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I took a seat next to Eddie. I know this is a lot for him to process. I wanna make sure he's okay. I know I wasn't when I found out about all this shit.

"Hey Eddie..." I said softly.

"Hey Astrid..." He said mimicking my tone.

"Are you okay? I know all this is a lot to process." I question.

"Um... yea. yea..." He said unsurely.

"So what do you think of everything?" He asked me.

"I think it's crazy. I've never fought anything before. I did some training by myself but i'm not the best at using my abilities yet so this whole thing kind of scares me." I reply.

He looks up at me. "I think you'll be able to do it. You shouldn't be scared. What you can do is like crazy Astrid." He responded.

I looked at him."You really think so?" I asked while having the biggest smile on my face.

"Yes." He responds. I hear someone walking towards us. It was Dustin.

"Astrid do you think you can stay here with Eddie. If anyone finds out he's here, he's fucked. You would be the only one out of all of us to stop anyone from doing anything to him." Dustin asked me.

"Um, yea...sure." I respond. I did not expect to spend my night in a shed with a person I have never met before but it's for good cause.

I look up to Eddie. "Is that okay with you?" I ask.

"Um yea its perfectly fine." He responds. On second thought I have a apartment. Why sleep here when we can sleep at my home.

"Hey Dustin, would it be risky to take him to my apartment? I don't know if I like the idea of sleeping here tonight." I ask.

"Sure...Fine... but be cautious. Have Eddie keep his head down at all times because we don't know if the cops are looking for him yet." He responds.

I have Steve take me and Eddie to Family Video so I can get my car. Once we got in the car Steve left. I started driving towards my apartment. Once we arrived I sorta badly attempted to hide Eddie. Once my front door was closed he was okay and didn't need to hide. He took a seat on my couch.

"Do you need anything like food, something to drink, a shower ?" I asked him.

"No Im okay for now." He responded.

I took a seat next to him. I turned on my TV and just left what ever was playing on. After about 30 minutes Eddie finally spoke up "This movie sucks."

"I know but I don't feel like changing it." I laughed. I got up and went to my room to get a blanket. Once I grabbed my blanket I turned around and backed into someone. Eddie. "You scared me." I said startled.

"Sorry..." He said. He proceeded to look around my room. "I didn't expect you to be the kind of girl to have this much jewelry in your room" He looks down at my desk with all my jewelry stands. Running his fingers over the stands.

"I like jewelry." I chuckled. Looking up at him.

"Yea... I can see that." He breathed. He walked out of my room and I followed him.

He sat on the couch and I walked to my kitchen. Scanning through my fridge I found a pizza box. I took the pizza out the box and put it in the stove. I sat back down on my couch. Watching the movie I started to doze off. I'm sound asleep then I hear someone.

"Hey Astrin wake up. There's something beeping." My pizza. I stood up and walked over to my kitchen. I took the pizza out and put it on two plates and handed one to Eddie.

"Here you need to eat something." I say to him as he takes the plate. I sit down next to him and begin to eat my pizza. I look over to Eddie who has pizza sauce on his face.

"What do I have something on my face?" He laughed obviously knowing he has sauce on his face. I got up and gave him a napkin. "Here...wipe that off." I said to him.

"No " He chuckles.

I hold him down and try to wipe the pizza sauce off his face. Once I got it all off I walked to my kitchen and threw the napkin away. I look over to Eddie.

"That's better" I say and we both begin to laugh.

I sit back down and finish my pizza. Once Eddie finished I take mine and his plate to the kitchen and rinse them off in the sink. I sit back down.

"So Eddie around what time do you normally go to sleep." I ask him.

"Depends but normally around 12-3 AM." He responds. It's only 10.

"Oh okay." I say to him"I'm bored" I laugh

"Yeah me too but I would rather be in here than out there." He says to me. I look up to him.

"I have like a puzzle we could do."

"Normally I would say no to that but I am hella bored so sure let's do a puzzle." He says.

I get up and go to my room. I open my closet and grab a puzzle off the first shelf. I walk back out to the living room and place the puzzle down. Eddie watches as I open the box. I start to pull out the side pieces and Eddie begins to organise the pieces by color. Once I have the frame for the puzzle made Eddie shows my what he did.

"So I uh did like all the red ones here and the Orange ones here and the yellow here. Then that pile is the stuff I couldn't tell the color of." He says to me.

"Okay so the red ones would go in the tip right corner." I say to him looking at the box. He begins to put some pieces on but not doing to much. I begin working on the orange section. After about a hour and a half we completed the puzzle.

I being to get tired and I feel myself yawn.

"So Eddie I'm ready for bed so you can just sit here and watch TV until you fall asleep." I say to him.

"Okay." He responds.

I get up and go to my room. I shut the door and lay on my bed. As I'm dozing off I hear something.

Clock Chimes.

I tried to make this one longer than the other ones lmao.

I also did some editing to this

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